Freight LTL API
貨運 LTL API 允許您建立拼箱裝運 (LTL) 貨件。LTL 貨運太大,無法作為包裹託運,但卻不能佔用整部貨車的空間。
這使您可以獲取運費估算,為各處理單位建立獨有的託運標籤和提貨單 (需要時),安排收件和查詢貨件狀態,檢查可用情況及安排收件。這會提高處理更大更重貨件的效率。
選用 FedEx Freight 進行 LTL 託運,能在處理單位層面查詢多處理單位貨件和本地託運,對貨件情況一目了然,大部分情況下無需紙質提貨單 (BOL)。需要時可以建立提貨單。雖然所有處理單位均有獨特的查詢號碼,但是貨件運輸只需要一張提貨單、派送收據和發票聲明即可。
貨運 LTL API 詳情
貨運 LTL API 能夠進行 LTL 託運,以及建立必要的文件,例如提貨單 (要求時)、FedEx Freight 託運標籤和各種其他託運文件。在貨運 LTL 貨件中,主標籤歸於第一個處理單位,而子標籤則套用至第二個和後續的處理單位。子標籤均有各自獨有的查詢號碼,但請參閱主查詢號碼。每個貨件可建立一張提貨單,內含所有處理單位和包裹。
每個處理單位可關聯一個查詢號碼,而標籤則類似於 FedEx Ground 或 Express Parcel 標籤,不同之處在於一個 F 字,代表這是託運貨件。
- 每個處理單位的件數上限 – 9,999
- 處理單位上限 – 200 (每次列印一張處理單位標籤)。
- 處理單位上限 – 40(一次過列印處理單位標籤)
FedEx LTL 託運貨件可運送至美國所有 50 個州及波多黎各、美屬維爾京群島、加拿大和墨西哥。除託運標籤外,有些貨件還需要提貨單。例子包括含有有害物質的貨件。
FedEx Freight® 在一個精簡的拼箱裝運網絡內輕鬆快速及經濟託運貨物,正在改變拼箱裝運行業。
以下是此 API 提供的功能:
- 管理貨運 LTL 收件
此功能允許獲取貨運 LTL 收件地點、安排貨運收件及取消任何已安排的收件。
- 獲取貨運 LTL 運費報價
此功能允許根據所選地點和服務選項獲取貨運 LTL 貨件的運費報價。
- 託運貨運 LTL 貨件
此功能允許建立貨運 LTL 貨件。
以下是貨運 LTL API 的功能:
- 為所有服務類型託運單件或多件包裹貨件 (MPS),從而生成託運標籤和提貨單 (如需要)。
- 建立多處理單位貨件,並逐個查詢每個處理單位。
- 使用 FedEx Freight Priority 和 Freight Economy 服務建立 LTL 貨件。
- 提供收件人資料,例如帳戶號碼、聯絡資料和地址。
- 提供端點架構中提及的時間戳記、包裝類型、總重量和各種其他必需的詳情。
- 提供帶有標準品牌元素的 FedEx 標籤,並支援熱感應標籤的專有尺寸。
- 在託運交易期間透過電郵或短訊接收通知,例如:
- 託運通知
- 預計送達時間
- 收件通知
- 一般託運文件,例如:
- 個別處理單位託運標籤
- 提貨單
- 商業發票
- 加拿大海關發票
- 建立貨件並每次列印一個處理單位的標籤,或者一次性處理所有處理單位。
- 檢索所有服務類型的單件或多件包裹貨件的運費。
- 檢查可供使用的收件服務、安排貨運收件及取消收件。
- 使用其他帳單地址的第三方帳戶來建立並預約收件。
貨運 LTL 託運服務
提供以下貨運 LTL 託運服務:
FedEx Freight® Priority
憑藉行業領先的準時表現和較快的運送速度,FedEx Freight® Priority 可以快速可靠地送遞您的貨件。依靠我們的區域服務,為您的顧客提供全面的翌日及隔日派送服務,並且所有服務均提供原銀奉還保證。*
FedEx Freight® Priority 服務特點:
- 運送速度快,翌日服務可達 600 英里,隔日服務可達 1,600 英里
- 直接送遞至幾乎所有的美國、加拿大和墨西哥有郵區編號。
- 一致、準時、可靠
- 原銀奉還保證*
- 具備端到端貨件可見性的最先進資訊科技
- 專屬的專業團隊可協助滿足您的所有區域貨運需求
*所有服務應遵守 FXFR 100 Series Rules Tariff 的條款及細則。
FedEx Freight Economy
FedEx Freight® Economy 提供經濟實惠的 LTL (拼箱裝運) 派送,主要滿足您的基本貨物託運需求。使用 FedEx LTL 派送服務,既可獲得細緻的顧客服務,又能確保準時可靠地將貨物送達目的地。
FedEx Freight® Economy:
- 經濟的貨運解決方案
- 為託運時間較不緊迫但需要可靠送遞的貨件節省更多費用
- 一致、準時、可靠
- 直接送遞至幾乎所有的美國、加拿大、墨西哥和波多黎各郵區編號。
- 具備端到端貨件可見性的最先進資訊科技
- 使用端到端貨件查詢提高資料可見性
FedEx International Deferred Freight (FDF)
FedEx International Deferred Freight (FDF)是一項全球空運託運服務,可用於託運國際空運貨件,運費經濟實惠,且提供更寬裕的遞送/運送時間。FDF亦適用於機場到機場、戶對機場、機場對戶,以及戶對戶遞送服務
- 目前,此服務僅適用於來往指定國家/地區的路線。
- 不得託運危險物品(DG)及受限制商品。例如:乾冰、鋰離子電池。請聯絡FedEx顧客服務部,以了解更多資訊。
- 不得託運美國本地貨件及非美國本地貨件。
貨運 LTL API 的運作方式
本節介紹 FedEx Freight LTL API 所需的端點和關鍵元素。
備註:必須啟用您的 FedEx Freight LTL 帳戶才能使用 FedEx Freight LTL API。所需的關鍵資料是 FedEx Freight 帳戶號碼和用於處理 LTL 貨件的帳戶正確郵寄地址。
以下是此 API 可用的端點:
託運貨運 LTL
使用此端點驗證和建立 FedEx Freight LTL 貨件。
- 貨運帳戶號碼
- 帳戶的郵寄地址
- 貨運要求貨件
- 標籤回應選項 – 以編碼或網址形式發回的標籤。
- 主查詢詳情 – 僅為因應不時之需,需要處理多件包裹貨件,並且需要逐張列印標籤,而非一次完成 (當未提供 singleShotMPS 元素或新增數值 false 時)。
對此請求的成功回應會建立 LTL 貨件,並在回應中提供查詢詳情和警示詳情。如果出現任何故障,它還會提供錯誤訊息和描述。
查看貨運 LTL 收件的可用情況
- 收件地址/郵寄詳情。
- 收件請求類型 (例如:同日/未來日子)。
- 是否在本地/國際收件。
對此請求的成功回應將在回應中提供所有可用貨運收件服務站清單、派送日期、可用情況 (旗標)、收件日期、截件日期、開放時間、住宅可用情況 (旗標)、關閉時間 (旗標)、關閉時間,以及當地時間。如果出現任何故障,它還會提供錯誤訊息和描述。
建立貨運 LTL 收件
使用此端點建立和安排貨運 LTL 收件。
- 貨運帳戶號碼,可供開立收件服務的發票。
- 寄件地詳情 (地址、地點和收件地址類型,例如帳戶/寄件人/其他)。
- 關聯帳戶的地址詳情。
取消貨運 LTL 收件
使用此端點取消已預約的 LTL 包裹收件請求。成功取消收件將發回確認號碼和取消收件確認訊息。
- 收件確認代碼 (在提交收件請求時獲得)
- 已預約日期 (收件發貨的日期)
- 地點 (負責處理收件請求的 FedEx Express 地點)
注意:提交收件確認號碼和相應的地點代碼 (僅適用於 FDXE) 可以取消已預約的收件。收件確認號碼和相應的地點代碼 (僅適用於 FDXE) 在提交收件請求時獲取。還可以使用正確的帳戶地址記錄來取消收件。如果您在 FedEx 速遞員已派遣至收件服務站後才嘗試取消收件,則會收到失敗通知
運費貨運 LTL
- 貨運帳戶號碼
- 貨運要求貨件。
貨運 LTL 多件包裹貨件 (MPS)
多件包裹貨件 (MPS) 由兩個或以上寄送至相同收件人地址的處理單位組成。貨件請求中的第一個處理單位即視為主處理單位。
- 加入貨件層級的資料,例如 serviceType、packagingType、totalWeight、totalPackageCount、freightShipmentDetail 及 requestedPackageLineItems 詳情。[備註:主包裹的 sequenceNumber 必須等於 1。]
- 列印每個處理單位的標籤時,請為所有後續處理單位在 masterTrackingId 元素中加入主查詢詳細資訊。
以下是此 API 可用的多件包裹託運處理選項:
此 API 讓您可以一次性處理多件包裹貨件並獲取標籤。
如需為您的貨件使用此功能,除了所有必要的多件包裹貨件元素外,也請在請求中提供 oneLabelAtATime as true 元素。
第一項請求的輸出,應能生成標籤和查詢號碼,此號碼即是主查詢號碼。在 masterTrackingId 元素中提供此主查詢號碼,以處理後續的託運請求,並為已定義的包裹總數 (totalPackageCount) 生成帶有查詢號碼的標籤 (子查詢號碼)。
備註:允許的處理單位上限為 200。
此 API 允許您一次性處理多件包裹貨件及獲取標籤。當貨件有 40 件或以下的處理單位 (totalPackageCount<=40) 並且要寄至相同的收件人地址時,此乃一種理想的處理方法。
在有 40 個或以下處理單位的貨件請求中設定 oneLabelAtATime as false,並立即生成標籤。
備註:處理單位上限 40 僅供指示之用,非固定上限。上限亦取決於處理單位和商品數量的總和。如需更多資訊,請聯絡您的 FedEx 帳戶管理員。
例子:您的貨件請求共有 10 個處理單位,提交時將生成 10 張標籤,回應中會按要求提供標籤網址或已加密的標籤。
FedEx Freight Direct
- 可建立 FedEx Freight Direct 基本、基本預約、標準和高級遞送貨件,以及基本回件貨件/收件服務,範圍限於美國本土、阿拉斯加和夏威夷。
- 提供獲取完整運費估價的功能(適用於使用FedEx Freight Direct帳號的FedEx Freight Direct貨件),以及取消FedEx Freight Direct收件的功能。
- 阿拉斯加和夏威夷不會傳回估計運費。顧客應致電 FedEx 顧客服務部,以索取該等州份的報價。
- 如要取消同一日安排的收件,顧客需要致電 FedEx 顧客服務部。
- 讓您傳送電郵通知至原來的寄件人/收件人,好讓顧客能夠:
- 安排遞送
- 接收遞送及/或收件確認
- 接收已在送件及/或收件通知
- 接收正在路上通知
- 已送達貨件的顧客問卷調查
- 郵區編號驗證、尺寸、包裹重量及處理單位重量的商業規則,將適用於 FedEx Freight Direct,以便判斷正確的運送路線及首程/尾程服務組合。
FedEx Freight Direct 提供不同服務類型以供選擇。
此 API 為 Freight Direct 服務提供以下功能:
取得 Freight Direct 運費
使用此端點來取得 Freight Direct 運費及附加費,適用於以下特別的 Freight Direct 服務選項:基本服務、基本預約服務、標準服務、高級服務。
以下是使用端點運費 Freight LTL 提出運費請求時,必須提供的詳細資訊:
- Freight Direct 運輸類型 (DELIVERY、PICKUP)
- 電話號碼類型,如有提供電話號碼 (HOME、MOBILE、WORK)
- 重量
- 尺寸 (非負數長、寬、高)
建立 Freight Direct 貨件
使用此端點來託運單件包裹或多件包裹貨件,以使用下列特別 Freight Direct 服務選項:基本服務、基本預約服務、標準服務、高級服務,以及取得託運標籤或提貨單,包括處理 Freight Priority 貨件的必要文件。
以下是透過端點託運 Freight LTL 提出託運請求時,必須提供的詳細資訊:
- Freight Direct 運輸類型 (DELIVERY、PICKUP)
- 電郵地址、電話號碼及電話類型
- 重量
- 尺寸 (非負數長、寬、高)
輸出提貨單將印上新的 Freight Direct 服務名稱。以下是視乎服務選擇而定會列印在提貨單上的值:
Freight Direct 收件
使用此端點來檢查 Freight LTL Freight Direct 收件服務的可用性、為要收件的包裹建立收件要求,或取消現有的收件要求。
以下是使用端點檢查 Freight LTL 收件可用性、建立 Freight LTL 收件及取消 Freight LTL 收件提出收件要求時,必須提供的詳細資訊。
- Freight Direct 運輸類型 (DELIVERY、PICKUP)
- 電郵地址 (建立收件要求)
- 電話號碼及電話類型 (建立收件要求)
- 重量
- 貨運 LTL 貨件的第一個處理單位會獲分配一個主查詢 (Pro) 號碼,而每個後續的處理單位亦會獲分配一個子查詢號碼。
- 貨件中的每個處理單位都可單獨查詢,或作為整個貨件的一部分查詢。
- 其他文件可能適用於特定的貨件 (例如:貨運有害物質 [HazMat] 和國際貨件)。
- 僅 LTL 貨運和由 LTL 貨運付款的帳戶不能新增至 FedEx Developer Portal。
- 顧客可使用長期的單一 LTL 帳號或 FedEx Freight Direct 帳號來使用 Freight Direct 服務。
- FedEx Freight Direct 報價功能僅適用於常規 LTL API。
- 所有新的錯誤/訊息僅以英文提供。
- 作為建立貨件時 FedEx Freight Direct 服務選項要求的一部分,必須提供電郵地址和電話。
Freight LTL API (1.0.0)
Rate Freight LTL
This endpoint providess the ability to retrieve rate quotes and optionall transitt informationnnn. The rate is calculated based on the origin and destination of the shipment. Additional information such as carrier code, service type, or service option can be used to filter the results. Applicable operating company is FedEx Freight.
Note: FedEx APIs do not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism.
header Parameters
x-customer-transaction-id | string Example: 624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492 This element allows you to assign a unique identifier to your transaction. This element is also returned in the reply and helps you match the request to the reply. |
content-type required | string Example: application/json This is used to indicate the media type of the resource. The media type is a string sent along with the file indicating format of the file. |
x-locale | string Example: en_US This indicates the combination of language code and country code. Click here to see Locales |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX This indicates the authorization token for the input request. |
Request Body schema: application/json
- FullSchema
- MinimumSamplePayload
accountNumber required | object (LTLRootAccountNumber) This is the Account number details.
rateRequestControlParameters | object (LTLRateRequestControlParameters) These are various parameters you can provide for filtering and sorting capability in the response, such as transit time and commit data, rate sort order etc. |
freightRequestedShipment required | object (LTLRequestedShipment) This contains shipment data describing the shipment for which a freight rate quote (or rate-shopping comparison) is desired. |
Bad Request
Not Found
Service Unavailable
Sandbox Server
Production Server
Request samples
- Payload
- C#
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "XXX61073"
- "rateRequestControlParameters": {
- "returnTransitTimes": false,
- "servicesNeededOnRateFailure": true,
- "variableOptions": "FREIGHT_GUARANTEE",
- "freightRequestedShipment": {
- "shipper": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "1550 Union Blvd",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "65247",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "recipient": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "1550 Union Blvd",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "65247",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "serviceType": "FEDEX_FREIGHT_PRIORITY",
- "preferredCurrency": "USD",
- "shippingChargesPayment": {
- "payor": {
- "responsibleParty": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "postalCode": "90210",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": "John Taylor",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "1234567890",
- "phoneExtension": "phone extension",
- "companyName": "Fedex",
- "faxNumber": "fax number"
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "123456789"
- "paymentType": "SENDER"
- "rateRequestType": [
- "LIST"
- "shipDateStamp": "2019-09-06",
- "requestedPackageLineItems": [
- {
- "subPackagingType": "BAG",
- "groupPackageCount": 1,
- "contentRecord": [
- {
- "itemNumber": "string",
- "receivedQuantity": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "partNumber": "string"
- "declaredValue": {
- "amount": "100",
- "currency": "USD"
- "weight": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68.25
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 10,
- "width": 8,
- "height": 2,
- "units": "IN"
- "associatedFreightLineItems": [
- {
- "id": "string"
- "totalPackageCount": 3,
- "totalWeight": 87,
- "freightShipmentDetail": {
- "role": "CONSIGNEE",
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "XXXXX6789"
- "declaredValueUnits": "string",
- "shipmentDimensions": {
- "length": 10,
- "width": 8,
- "height": 2,
- "units": "IN"
- "lineItem": [
- {
- "handlingUnits": 0,
- "nmfcCode": "string",
- "subPackagingType": "BAG",
- "description": "string",
- "weight": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68.25
- "pieces": 0,
- "volume": {
- "units": "CUBIC_FT",
- "value": 0
- "freightClass": "CLASS_050",
- "purchaseOrderNumber": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "hazardousMaterials": "HAZARDOUS_MATERIALS",
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 10,
- "width": 8,
- "height": 2,
- "units": "IN"
- "clientDiscountPercent": 0,
- "fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "string",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": "person name",
- "emailAddress": "email address",
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- "hazardousMaterialsOfferor": "string",
- "declaredValuePerUnit": {
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- "alternateBillingParty": {
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- "streetLines": [
- "1550 Union Blvd",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "65247",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "XXX61073"
- "freightShipmentSpecialServices": {
- "freightGuaranteeDetail": {
- "freightGuaranteeType": "GUARANTEED_DATE",
- "guaranteeTimestamp": "string"
- "specialServiceTypes": [
- "freightDirectDetail": {
- "freightDirectDataDetails": [
- {
- "type": "STANDARD",
- "transportationType": "DELIVERY",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumberDetails": [
- {
- "phoneNumberType": "MOBILE",
- "phoneNumber": "XXXXXXXXX12"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 500
- 503
- "transactionId": "624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492",
- "customerTransactionId": "AnyCo_order123456789",
- "output": {
- "transactionId": "63a21b84-ad5c-4da2-b788-f615e5cafaa3",
- "output": {
- "alerts": [
- {
- "message": "Package 1 - Mixed measuring units are provided for weight and dimensions.",
- "alertType": "WARNING",
- "parameterList": [
- {
- "key": "Package Index",
- "value": "1"
- "rateReplyDetails": [
- {
- "serviceType": "FEDEX_FREIGHT_PRIORITY",
- "commit": {
- "dateDetail": {
- "dayOfWeek": "Fri",
- "dayFormat": "2020-12-04T17:00:00-06:00"
- "transitDays": {
- "minimumTransitTime": "TWO_DAYS",
- "description": "2 Business Days"
- "saturdayDelivery": false
- "ratedShipmentDetails": [
- {
- "quoteNumber": "1100739606",
- "rateType": "ACCOUNT",
- "freightChargeBasis": "MINIMUM",
- "ratedWeightMethod": "FREIGHT_MINIMUM",
- "totalDiscounts": 0,
- "totalBaseCharge": 805,
- "totalNetCharge": 996.59,
- "totalNetFedExCharge": 996.59,
- "shipmentLegRateDetails": [
- {
- "rateScale": "*FXF PZONE 01/04/21 LD 11122",
- "totalBaseCharge": 0,
- "totalNetCharge": 996.59
- "shipmentRateDetail": {
- "dimDivisor": 0,
- "fuelSurchargePercent": 23.8,
- "totalSurcharges": 191.59,
- "totalFreightDiscount": 0,
- "surCharges": [
- {
- "type": "FUEL",
- "description": "Fuel Surcharge",
- "level": "SHIPMENT",
- "amount": 191.59
- "totalBillingWeight": {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 331
- "totalDimWeight": {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 0
- "currency": "USD",
- "rateScale": "*FXF PZONE 01/04/21 LD 11122"
- "currency": "USD"
- "operationalDetail": {
- "originLocationNumbers": [ ],
- "deliveryDate": "2020-12-04T17:00:00-06:00",
- "deliveryDay": "FRI",
- "commitDate": "2020-12-04T17:00:00-06:00",
- "commitDays": [
- "FRI"
- "transitTime": "TWO_DAYS",
- "ineligibleForMoneyBackGuarantee": true
- "freightTransitLocationDetail": {
- "originLocation": {
- "contactAndAddress": {
- "contact": {
- "personName": "DAWN THIELHART",
- "phoneNumber": "800-218-6293"
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- ""
- "city": "TAMPA",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "FL",
- "postalCode": "33610-4136",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "locationId": "TPA"
- "destinationLocation": {
- "contactAndAddress": {
- "contact": {
- "personName": "TED CLAY",
- "phoneNumber": "214-333-4544"
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- ""
- "city": "DALLAS",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TX",
- "postalCode": "75211",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "locationId": "SDA"
- "distance": {
- "units": "MI",
- "value": 1139
- "quoteDate": "2020-12-02",
- "encoded": false
Ship Freight LTL
This endpoint helps you to create a Freight LTL Shipment request with the required Freight LTL Shipment information, and to retrieve information for an already in process shipment. It also allows you to confirm and validate your shipment.
Note: FedEx APIs do not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism.
header Parameters
x-customer-transaction-id | string Example: 624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492 This element allows you to assign a unique identifier to your transaction. This element is also returned in the reply and helps you match the request to the reply. |
content-type required | string Example: application/json This is used to indicate the media type of the resource. The media type is a string sent along with the file indicating format of the file. |
x-locale | string Example: en_US This indicates the combination of language code and country code. Click here to see Locales |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX This indicates the authorization token for the input request. |
Request Body schema: application/json
- FullSchema-FreightShipment
- FreightShipment_ShipTo_Freight_Account
- FreightShipment_BillTo_Freight_Account
- FreightShipment_International_SingleShot_MPS_ShipTo_Freight_Account
- FreightShipment_OneLabelAtATime_MPS_Master_ShipTo_Freight_Account
- FreightShipment_OneLabelAtATime_MPS_Child_ShipTo_Freight_Account
freightRequestedShipment required | object (FreightRequestedShipment_Freight2020) The descriptive data for the FreightShipment being tendered to FedEx. |
labelResponseOptions required | string Enum: "URL_ONLY" "LABEL" If the value is LABEL, the encoded label will be included in the response and if the value is URL_ONLY, the response will include the URLs. Note: With URL_ONLY option, the URL once created will be active for 24 hours. |
accountNumber required | object (ShipperAccountNumber) The account number associated with the shipment. |
oneLabelAtATime | boolean If the value is false, it uses single shot MPS shipments where in all the packages are processed in the same transaction and can generate number of labels for the handling units all at once. If the value is true, the MPS shipment processes packages and labels one at a time. Default value is false.
Bad Request
Not Found
Service Unavailable
Sandbox Server
Production Server
Request samples
- Payload
- C#
- "freightRequestedShipment": {
- "shipDatestamp": "2019-10-14",
- "pickupType": "USE_SCHEDULED_PICKUP",
- "serviceType": "FEDEX_FREIGHT_ECONOMY",
- "packagingType": "YOUR_PACKAGING",
- "totalWeight": 20,
- "preferredCurrency": "USD",
- "shipper": {
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- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
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- "residential": false
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- "personName": "John Taylor",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "1234567890",
- "phoneExtension": 91,
- "companyName": "Fedex",
- "faxNumber": "1234567",
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- "expirationDate": "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00"
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- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
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- "residential": false
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- "personName": "John Taylor",
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- "residential": false
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- "personName": "John Taylor",
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- "guaranteeTimestamp": "2009-12-04"
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- "ends": "22-01-2020"
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- 401
- 403
- 404
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- "message": "Recipient Postal-City Mismatch."
Check Freight LTL Pickup Availability
This endpoint allows you to check the availability of an Freight LTL pickup service. The pickup availability depends on two factors, the cut off time and the access time.
Cut off time - The latest time allowed for a pickup to be scheduled. The time is local to the pickup postal code.
Access time - The time between the pickup ready time (when the package is ready to be picked) and the time when the driver is ready to pick up the package.
Note: FedEx APIs do not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism.
header Parameters
x-customer-transaction-id | string Example: 624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492 This element allows you to assign a unique identifier to your transaction. This element is also returned in the reply and helps you match the request to the reply. |
content-type required | string Example: application/json This is used to indicate the media type of the resource. The media type is a string sent along with the file indicating format of the file. |
x-locale | string Example: en_US This indicates the combination of language code and country code. Click here to see Locales |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX This indicates the authorization token for the input request. |
Request Body schema: application/json
- FullSchema-FreightPickupAvailability
- MinimumSamplePayload-FreightPickupAvailability
pickupAddress required | object (PickupAddress) The address for which pickup availability inquiry is made. |
packageReadyTime | string The time that the package will be ready for pickup. The time format is HH:MM:SS and it refers to the local timezone. The driver should pick up the package/shipment by the given pickup time. |
customerCloseTime | string The latest time the driver gets access to pick up the package. The time format is in HH:MM:SS and it refers to the local timezone. The driver should pick up the package by the given pickup time. |
shipmentAttributes | object (ShipmentAttributes) Indicates the shipment details such as service type, packaging type, weight and dimensions. |
freightPickupSpecialServiceDetail | object (FullSchemaFreightPickupAvailability_freightPickupSpecialServiceDetail) |
dispatchDate | string Indicates the date, the package is to be picked up. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. If the field is left blank, the system considers current date as dispatch date. |
numberOfBusinessDays | integer <int32> Number of business days to consider when checking availability. |
Bad Request
Not Found
Service Unavailable
Sandbox Server
Production Server
Request samples
- Payload
- C#
- "pickupAddress": {
- "streetLines": [
- "123 Ship Street"
- "urbanizationCode": "URB FAIR OAKS",
- "city": "Memphis",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "38017",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false,
- "addressClassification": "MIXED"
- "packageReadyTime": "15:30:00",
- "customerCloseTime": "18:00:00",
- "shipmentAttributes": {
- "serviceType": "FEDEX_FREIGHT_PRIORITY",
- "weight": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 20
- "packagingType": "YOUR_PACKAGING",
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 7,
- "width": 8,
- "units": "CM",
- "height": 9
- "freightPickupSpecialServiceDetail": {
- "shipmentSpecialServicesRequested": {
- "freightGuaranteeDetail": {
- "time": "10:00"
- "freightDirectDetail": {
- "freightDirectDataDetails": [
- {
- "type": "BASIC",
- "transportationType": "DELIVERY",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumberDetails": [
- {
- "phoneNumber": "XXXXXXXX43",
- "phoneNumberType": "WORK"
- "specialServiceTypes": [
- "FOOD",
- "dispatchDate": "2019-10-14",
- "numberOfBusinessDays": 1
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 500
- 503
- "transactionId": "624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492",
- "customerTransactionId": "AnyCo_order123456789",
- "output": {
- "closeTime": "12:00:00-05:00",
- "closeTimeType": "DEFAULT",
- "localTime": "19:20",
- "options": [
- {
- "carrier": "FXFR",
- "available": true,
- "pickupDate": "2019-01-20",
- "cutOffTime": "18:30:00",
- "accessTime": {
- "hours": 1,
- "minutes": 30
- "residentialAvailable": true,
- "scheduleDay": "SAME_DAY"
- "alerts": [
- {
- "alertType": "NOTE",
- "message": "Recipient Postal-City Mismatch."
Create Freight LTL Pickup
This endpoint helps you to create a freight pickup request for a package to be picked up.
Note: FedEx APIs do not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism.
header Parameters
x-customer-transaction-id | string Example: 624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492 This element allows you to assign a unique identifier to your transaction. This element is also returned in the reply and helps you match the request to the reply. |
content-type required | string Example: application/json This is used to indicate the media type of the resource. The media type is a string sent along with the file indicating format of the file. |
x-locale | string Example: en_US This indicates the combination of language code and country code. Click here to see Locales |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX This indicates the authorization token for the input request. |
Request Body schema: application/json
- FullSchema-CreatePickup
- MinimumSamplePayload-CreateFreightPickup
- MinimumSamplePayload-FreightBillToPickup
associatedAccountNumber required | object The associated account number, which is invoiced for the freight pickup. |
originDetail required | object The origin address if different than the one associated with the shipper account. This element value is required when the package is to be picked up from an address other than the shipper account address. |
totalWeight | Array of objects (TotalWeight) The total weight of the packages for the pickup. Unit of measure is LB and KG. |
packageCount | integer <int32> The total number of packages for the pickup. |
remarks | string This is a placeholder for any message to be passed to the FedEx pickup. courier. |
countryRelationships | string Enum: "DOMESTIC" "INTERNATIONAL" Describes the country relationship among the shipments being picked up. |
trackingNumber | string This is a tracking number for FedEx packages used for tracking a single package or group of packages. |
commodityDescription | string Description of the commodity being shipped. |
freightPickupDetail required | object This provides the Freight LTL pickup detailed information. |
oversizePackageCount | integer <int32> The number of oversize packages that are tendered to FedEx Ground. |
pickupNotificationDetail | object This object allows user to request for pickup confirmation email. User can specify upto 5 email addresses. |
Bad Request
Not Found
Service Unavailable
Sandbox Server
Production Server
Request samples
- Payload
- C#
- "associatedAccountNumber": {
- "value": "Your account number"
- "originDetail": {
- "pickupAddressType": "ACCOUNT",
- "pickupLocation": {
- "contact": {
- "companyName": "Fedex",
- "personName": "John Taylor",
- "phoneNumber": "7194446666",
- "phoneExtension": "phone extension"
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "123 Ship Street",
- "Suite 302"
- "urbanizationCode": "URB FAIR OAKS",
- "city": "Memphis",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "38017",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false,
- "addressClassification": "MIXED"
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "XXX289837"
- "deliveryInstructions": "deliveryInstructions"
- "readyDateTimestamp": "2020-04-02T11:00:00Z",
- "customerCloseTime": "18:00:00",
- "pickupDateType": "SAME_DAY",
- "packageLocation": "FRONT",
- "buildingPart": "APARTMENT",
- "buildingPartDescription": "111",
- "earlyPickup": false,
- "suppliesRequested": "Supplies requested by customer",
- "geographicalPostalCode": "geographicalPostalCode"
- "totalWeight": [
- {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 1
- "packageCount": 5,
- "remarks": "Please ring bell at loading dock.",
- "countryRelationships": "DOMESTIC",
- "trackingNumber": "795803657326",
- "commodityDescription": "This field contains CommodityDescription",
- "freightPickupDetail": {
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "Freight Account Number"
- "role": "SHIPPER",
- "payment": "SENDER",
- "submittedBy": {
- "companyName": "Fedex",
- "personName": "John Taylor",
- "phoneNumber": "7194446666",
- "phoneExtension": "string",
- "emailAddress": ""
- "lineItems": [
- {
- "trackingNumber": {
- "trackingNumber": "123456789012",
- "trackingQualifier": "insightBest~200300400525~FDFR",
- "trackingCarrier": "FDXE",
- "trackingUniqueId": "245822~123456789012~FDEG"
- "sequenceNumber": 2,
- "totalHandlingUnits": 2,
- "justOneMore": false,
- "description": "strings",
- "packaging": "BUNDLE",
- "pieces": 4,
- "weight": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68.25
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 7,
- "width": 8,
- "height": 9,
- "units": "CM"
- "destination": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "shipmentSpecialServicesRequested": {
- "freightGuaranteeDetail": {
- "time": "10:00"
- "freightDirectDetail": {
- "freightDirectDataDetails": [
- {
- "type": "BASIC",
- "transportationType": "DELIVERY",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumberDetails": [
- {
- "phoneNumber": "XXXXXXXX43",
- "phoneNumberType": "WORK"
- "specialServiceTypes": [
- "FOOD",
- "alternateBilling": {
- "contact": {
- "companyName": "Fedex",
- "personName": "John Taylor",
- "phoneNumber": "7194446666",
- "phoneExtension": "phone extension"
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "urbanizationCode": "URB FAIR OAKS",
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false,
- "addressClassification": "MIXED"
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "Alternate Billing Account Number"
- "deliveryInstructions": "deliveryInstructions"
- "userMessage": "This is the user message"
- "oversizePackageCount": 2,
- "pickupNotificationDetail": {
- "emailDetails": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "locale": "en_US"
- "format": "HTML",
- "userMessage": "This is the user message"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 500
- 503
- "transactionId": "624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492",
- "customerTransactionId": "AnyCo_order123456789",
- "output": {
- "pickupConfirmationCode": "20201012COS455402",
- "alerts": [
- {
- "alertType": "NOTE",
- "message": "Recipient Postal-City Mismatch."
Cancel Freight LTL Pickup
Use this endpoint to cancel the already scheduled freight pickup request. Note a failure notification will be sent if you attempt to cancel a pickup after the FedEx courier has been dispatched to the pickup location.
Note: FedEx APIs do not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism.
header Parameters
x-customer-transaction-id | string Example: 624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492 This element allows you to assign a unique identifier to your transaction. This element is also returned in the reply and helps you match the request to the reply. |
content-type required | string Example: application/json This is used to indicate the media type of the resource. The media type is a string sent along with the file indicating format of the file. |
x-locale | string Example: en_US This indicates the combination of language code and country code. Click here to see Locales |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX This indicates the authorization token for the input request. |
Request Body schema: application/json
- FullSchema-CancelFreightPickup
- MinimumSamplePayload-FreightCancel
associatedAccountNumber required | object (AccountNumber_2) Specify the FedEx Account number. |
pickupConfirmationCode required | string The confirmation number provided by FedEx to the customer when the pickup was scheduled or requested. |
remarks | string Specify the additional information to be passed on the pickup courier. |
reason required | string Specify the reason for cancellation of pickup. |
contactName required | string Specify the contact name. |
scheduledDate | string Specifies the date when pickup dispatch occurs. |
Bad Request
Not Found
Service Unavailable
Sandbox Server
Production Server
Request samples
- Payload
- C#
- "associatedAccountNumber": {
- "value": "Your account number"
- "pickupConfirmationCode": "20201007MEM628005",
- "remarks": "This is my remarks",
- "reason": "This is my reason",
- "contactName": "This is my contactName",
- "scheduledDate": "2019-10-15"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 500
- 503
- "transactionId": "624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492",
- "customerTransactionId": "AnyCo_order123456789",
- "output": {
- "pickupConfirmationCode": "20201007MEM628005",
- "cancelConfirmationMessage": "Requested pickup has been cancelled Successfully.",
- "alerts": [
- {
- "alertType": "NOTE",
- "message": "Recipient Postal-City Mismatch."