Rates and Transit Times API
本詳細指南有助您了解有關運費和運送時間的須知資訊。FedEx 為您提供每項服務的預計送達日期/時間和運費報價。
備註:運費 API 不會為 FedEx 貨運服務提供運費報價。欲知 FedEx 貨運服務的運費報價,請瀏覽 Freight LTL API 文件頁面。
FedEx 運費及運送時間 API 詳情
在規劃預算時,它可以幫助您估計運輸成本。FedEx 提供多種運費以配合您的需要。您可以要求 FedEx 貨件的運費。除此之外,還有價目表、折扣、附加費、費用和其他可能影響運費的因素。
以下是與此 API 相關的功能:
- 獲取快速運費報價
- 運送時間
- 詳細運費報價
獲取運費報價、運送時間,包括本地和國際貨件的關稅和稅項估算。顧客必須輸入貨件詳情,包括包裹尺寸、申報價值 (DV) 金額和附加服務選項。關稅和稅項估算僅適用於託運產品/商品的 FedEx 顧客,而不適用於託運文件。
FedEx 運費和運送時間 API 的好處:
- 確定從任何寄件地運送至全球任何目的地的運費和運送時間,藉此簡化託運計劃。
- 為各種 FedEx 服務同時提供標準價目表和特定帳戶的運費報價。
- 透過快速存取特定帳戶的運費來節省時間。
- 按服務比較運費以及允許您根據託運需求作出決定,從而節省資金。
- 快速回答有關託運費用和送遞日期的問題以節省時間。
此 API 根據請求提供的寄件地和目的地資料,為特定服務組合提供運費報價。以下詳情適用:
- 折扣適用於所有服務和寄件地/目的地組合。
- 此 API 按請求的服務發回寄件地和目的地的運費,並且不會驗證該服務是否在您的託運日期、寄件地和目的地可用。
- 還可以檢索墨西哥境內的 FedEx Express 運費。
- 亦可提供 FedEx Ground® Economy (前稱 FedEx SmartPost®) 託運的運費。
- 還可以指定特定服務的承諾和運費資料。
如需 FedEx 提供之服務更詳細的資料,請參閱電子版 FedEx 服務指南。
FedEx 運費和運送時間 API 的運作方式
- 帳戶號碼
- 貨件詳細資料。
- 包括關於您的貨件盡可能多的詳細資料。此資料對計算正確的運費和附加費很重要。
- 使用 RateRequestTypes 元素請求特定運費,無論是 LIST (價目表) 或特定帳戶。如果選擇 LIST (價目表) 作為元素值,您將同時收到帳戶特定運費和價目表。
- 對於請求單次服務的運費報價,請指定服務以確保發回該服務的運費數據。如果不包括 ServiceType (服務類型) 值,則會發回多個服務運費。
- 對於貨運公司特定的詳細運費,請在您的請求中使用 CarrierCode (貨運公司代碼) 指定貨運公司,將發回輸入貨運公司的所有服務運費數據,或者不指定 CarrierCode 以在發回時接收所有貨運公司的所有可用服務。
- 使用 returnTransitTimes (發回運送時間) 元素以在回覆中包含運送時間資料。FedEx Express、FedEx Ground 和 FedEx Home Delivery 確實包括根據您指定的託運日期估算包裹送遞日子和日期。
- 基於請求列明的值,對 FedEx Ground® Economy (前稱 FedEx SmartPost®) 運送時間請求的回應將包括具體遞送日期和當週的日次。
- 貨運公司代碼、服務類型或服務選項等資料可用於篩選結果。
- 可以對結果進行排序 (元素:rateSortOrder (運費排序),以便按所需的方式/格式獲取報價數據。
此請求的結果將提供所有可能的報價和可選運送資料清單,其中包含服務代碼、服務類型、包裝類型和承諾詳細資料,例如運送天數/時間和任何特定日期送遞 (星期六送遞)。
- 價目表運費 – 除了基於帳戶 (如適用) 外,還發回已發佈的價目表。
- 偏好運費 – 以請求中提供的偏好貨幣發回運費。
- 優惠運費 – 推廣價格。
- 帳戶運費 – 分配給帳戶的運費
- 附加費
- 折扣優惠
- 費用和稅項
FedEx 特別運費
此選項適用於 FedEx 本地、FedEx 國際多件包裹貨件、FedEx 本地及 International Ground® 多件包裹貨件、FedEx Express 國際貨到付款多件包裹貨件,以及 FedEx Ground 國際貨到付款多件包裹貨件。
美國包裹運費:FedEx Express Multiweight®
如果總貨件重量為 100 磅或以上 (200 磅或以上的 FedEx Express Saver® 貨件),FedEx Express 多包裹貨件可能會根據總貨件重量收取運費。貨件的平均最少包裹重量為15 磅。將每磅運費乘以總貨件重量。將按 FedEx Express Multiweight 貨件運費或每件包裹的單獨價格總和的較低者收取費用,並自動套用至帳單中。
FedEx One Rate
FedEx One Rate 是一項固定運費的託運服務,您無須磅重或測量不足 50 磅的貨件。您可於選擇最符合託運物品之尺寸的託運箱或速遞筒,並在當中塞滿包裹,只要貨件重量不超出 50 磅即可。它為您的 FedEx Express 包裹提供一個簡單、可預測、固定運費託運的選項。FedEx One Rate 託運產品組合基於六種 FedEx Express 服務選項以及七種 FedEx 專有 (白色) 包裝類型。
FedEx One Rate 包裝
One Rate 價格選項的有效/可用 FedEx 包裝類型:
- FEDEX_PAK (速遞袋)
- FEDEX_TUBE (速遞筒)
您自己的包裝不適用於 One Rate 定價選項。
如何指定 One Rate 定價
要指定 FedEx One Rate 定價選項,請執行以下步驟:
- 指定 \"FEDEX_ONE_RATE\" 貨件特別服務。
- 指定其中一種包裝類型。
- 指定美國寄件地和美國目的地。
- 指定以下其中一種 FedEx Express 服務類型:
注意:夏威夷境內的貨件不允許採用 One Rate 定價。
注意:FedEx 顧客可在請求中指定 \"FEDEX_ONE_RATE\" 作為服務選項類型,以便在單一運費請求中請求 One Rate 和按重量 (非 One Rate) 的運費。
除了託運的運費之外,會在總運費中加入任何額外的處理費用。這些費用在 Rate (運費) 回覆中發回,並且可以配置為在 Doc-Tab (文件-標籤) 上列印。詳情請查看可變處理費用
對於任何額外的特殊處理或服務,除了您的貨件運費外,還會收取附加費。這些費用在 Rate (運費) 回覆中發回。
Rate (運費) 回覆中發回的附加費如下:
- 總附加費
- 總稅項 (針對加拿大寄件地貨件)
- 分項附加費
- 對於 FedEx Express 美國進口貨件,費用因寄件地國家而有所不同,然而,每項費用的運作方式與美國出口相同。
- U.S. Express 包裹服務包括 FedEx First Overnight®、FedEx Priority Overnight®、FedEx Standard Overnight®、FedEx 2Day® A.M.、FedEx 2Day® 及 FedEx Express Saver®。
- U.S. Ground 服務包括 FedEx Ground® 及 FedEx Home Delivery®。
- 國際速遞包裹服務包括FedEx國際特早速遞服務®、FedEx國際優先速遞服務®、FedEx國際經濟速遞服務®,以及Fedex Deferred Freight。
- International Ground 服務包括 FedEx International Ground® 。[服務 ENUM:FEDEX_GROUND]
- 不要假設特定服務適用於所有情況。舉例而言,並非所有郵遞區號配對均可選用 STANDARD_OVERNIGHT (及其他服務或選項)。
- 如果請求對特定服務進行評估,請在請求中包含服務類型。此舉將縮小回應的大小,並加快交易回應時間。
- 多件包裹貨件 (MPS) 不符合資格使用 FedEx One Rate。
- 對於應用至貨件的特別服務而言,必須包含特別服務類型及其詳情。如果不包括特別服務詳細資料,則可能沒有指示不包括特別服務。
- 運費或貨件的時間戳應該是預計向 FedEx 或 FedEx 代理提交包裹的時間。這不一定是執行託運或運費交易的時間。例如,星期五深夜準備好的包裹貨件將由 FedEx 於星期一收取時,應使用星期一時間戳。如果其為已知,請使用正確的時間戳,否則送遞估計和運費可能不正確。
- 運費和運送時間的應用僅使用城市名稱或郵區編號來定義運送時間。FedEx 僅顯示 FedEx 在您所選目的地和寄件地國家/地區提供服務的城市或郵區編號。
- FedEx 不送遞至美國的郵政信箱地址。請輸入郵區編號以查找您的貨件的運送時間或點擊查找郵區編號。
- 從住所收取的包裹可能需要多一天運送時間。為了更快發回,請在有工作人員的 FedEx 服務站投遞。
- 藥房送遞不適用於由服務站保管。
Rates and Transit Times API (1.0.0)
Rate and Transit times
This endpoint provides the ability to retrieve rate quotes and optionalll transit information. The rate is calculated based on the origin and destination of the shipment. Additional information such as carrier code, service type, or service option can be used to filter the results. If carrier code is provided, the response includes the rate quotes for the specific transportation carrier. This endpoint provides the rates for FedEx Ground and FedEx Express and does not offer rates for FedEx Freight.
Note: FedEx APIs do not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism.
header Parameters
x-customer-transaction-id | string Example: 624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492 This element allows you to assign a unique identifier to your transaction. This element is also returned in the reply and helps you match the request to the reply. |
content-type required | string Example: application/json This is used to indicate the media type of the resource. The media type is a string sent along with the file indicating format of the file. |
x-locale | string Example: en_US This indicates the combination of language code and country code. Click here to see Locales |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX This indicates the authorization token for the input request. |
Request Body schema: application/json
- Full_Schema_Quote_Rate
- MinimumSamplePayload_1
- FreightSamplePayload-RateResourceDetails_1
- US_Domestic_Rate_shop
- FDGSamplePayload-RateResourceDetails-IntraEurope
- Alternate_Currency_Rate_Quote
- Express_Freight_Rate_Quote
- International_Hold_At_Location_with_Adult_Signature_Option
- International_Multi_Piece_Rate_Quote
- International_Return_Rate_Quote
- Intra_Canada_Rate_Quote
- Intra_Europe_Rate_Quote
- Intra_India_Cash_On_Delivery_Rate_Quote
- Intra_Mexico_Express_Saver_Rate_Quote
- Priority_Alert_Rate_Quote
- Express_Freight_Saturday_Pickup_Rate_Quote
- SmartPost_Rate_Quote
- International_Dry_Ice_Rate_Quote
- US_Domestic_Multi_Piece_Rate_Quote
- US_Domestic_Priority_Overnight_Rate_Quote
- Ground_Home_Delivery_Appointment_Delivery_Rate_Quote
- International_Ground_Rate_Quote
- International_Priority_Rate_Quote
accountNumber required | object (AccountNumber) This is the Account number details.
rateRequestControlParameters | object (RateRequestControlParameters) Specify the return transit times, services needed on rate failure, choice of variable option and order to sort rate options to filter and sort the expected response. |
requestedShipment required | object (RequestedShipment) This is shipment data for which a rate quote (or rate-shipping comparison) is requested. |
carrierCodes | Array of strings Specify the four letter code of a FedEx operating company that meets your requirements.
Bad Request
Not Found
Service Unavailable
Sandbox Server
Production Server
Request samples
- Payload
- C#
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "Your account number"
- "rateRequestControlParameters": {
- "returnTransitTimes": false,
- "servicesNeededOnRateFailure": true,
- "variableOptions": "FREIGHT_GUARANTEE",
- "requestedShipment": {
- "shipper": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "1550 Union Blvd",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "65247",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "recipient": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "1550 Union Blvd",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "65247",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "serviceType": "STANDARD_OVERNIGHT",
- "preferredCurrency": "USD",
- "rateRequestType": [
- "LIST"
- "shipDateStamp": "2019-09-05",
- "requestedPackageLineItems": [
- {
- "subPackagingType": "BAG",
- "groupPackageCount": 1,
- "declaredValue": {
- "amount": "100",
- "currency": "USD"
- "weight": {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 22
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 10,
- "width": 8,
- "height": 2,
- "units": "IN"
- "variableHandlingChargeDetail": {
- "rateType": "ACCOUNT",
- "percentValue": 0,
- "rateLevelType": "BUNDLED_RATE",
- "fixedValue": {
- "amount": "100",
- "currency": "USD"
- "rateElementBasis": "NET_CHARGE"
- "packageSpecialServices": {
- "specialServiceTypes": [
- "signatureOptionType": [
- "alcoholDetail": {
- "alcoholRecipientType": "LICENSEE",
- "shipperAgreementType": "Retailer"
- "dangerousGoodsDetail": {
- "accessibility": "ACCESSIBLE",
- "options": [
- "containers": [
- {
- "offeror": "Offeror Name",
- "hazardousCommodities": [
- {
- "quantity": {
- "quantityType": "GROSS",
- "amount": 0,
- "units": "LB"
- "innerReceptacles": [
- {
- "quantity": {
- "quantityType": "GROSS",
- "amount": 0,
- "units": "LB"
- "options": {
- "labelTextOption": "Override",
- "customerSuppliedLabelText": "LabelText"
- "description": {
- "sequenceNumber": 0,
- "processingOptions": [
- "subsidiaryClasses": "subsidiaryClass",
- "labelText": "labelText",
- "technicalName": "technicalName",
- "packingDetails": {
- "packingInstructions": "instruction",
- "cargoAircraftOnly": false
- "authorization": "Authorization Information",
- "reportableQuantity": false,
- "percentage": 10,
- "id": "ID",
- "packingGroup": "DEFAULT",
- "properShippingName": "ShippingName",
- "hazardClass": "hazardClass"
- "numberOfContainers": 10,
- "containerType": "Copper Box",
- "emergencyContactNumber": {
- "areaCode": "202",
- "extension": "3245",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "personalIdentificationNumber": "9545678",
- "localNumber": "23456"
- "packaging": {
- "count": 20,
- "units": "Liter"
- "packingType": "ALL_PACKED_IN_ONE",
- "radioactiveContainerClass": "EXCEPTED_PACKAGE"
- "regulation": "ADR"
- "packageCODDetail": {
- "codCollectionAmount": {
- "amount": 12.45,
- "currency": "USD"
- "codCollectionType": "ANY"
- "pieceCountVerificationBoxCount": 0,
- "batteryDetails": [
- {
- "material": "LITHIUM_METAL",
- "regulatorySubType": "IATA_SECTION_II",
- "dryIceWeight": {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 10
- "standaloneBatteryDetails": [
- {
- "batteryMaterialType": "LITHIUM_METAL"
- "documentShipment": false,
- "variableHandlingChargeDetail": {
- "rateType": "ACCOUNT",
- "percentValue": 0,
- "rateLevelType": "BUNDLED_RATE",
- "fixedValue": {
- "amount": "100",
- "currency": "USD"
- "rateElementBasis": "NET_CHARGE"
- "packagingType": "YOUR_PACKAGING",
- "totalPackageCount": 3,
- "totalWeight": 87.5,
- "shipmentSpecialServices": {
- "returnShipmentDetail": {
- "returnType": "PRINT_RETURN_LABEL"
- "deliveryOnInvoiceAcceptanceDetail": {
- "recipient": {
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": 123456789
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 30"
- "countryCode": "US"
- "contact": {
- "companyName": "FedEx",
- "faxNumber": "9013577890",
- "personName": "John Taylor",
- "phoneNumber": "9013577890"
- "internationalTrafficInArmsRegulationsDetail": {
- "licenseOrExemptionNumber": "432345"
- "holdAtLocationDetail": {
- "locationId": "YBZA",
- "locationContactAndAddress": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": "person name",
- "emailAddress": "email address",
- "phoneNumber": "phone number",
- "phoneExtension": "phone extension",
- "companyName": "company name",
- "faxNumber": "fax number"
- "locationType": "FEDEX_ONSITE"
- "shipmentCODDetail": {
- "addTransportationChargesDetail": {
- "rateType": "ACCOUNT",
- "rateLevelType": "BUNDLED_RATE",
- "chargeLevelType": "CURRENT_PACKAGE",
- "chargeType": "COD_SURCHARGE"
- "codRecipient": {
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": 123456789
- "remitToName": "FedEx",
- "codCollectionType": "ANY",
- "financialInstitutionContactAndAddress": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": "person name",
- "emailAddress": "email address",
- "phoneNumber": "phone number",
- "phoneExtension": "phone extension",
- "companyName": "company name",
- "faxNumber": "fax number"
- "returnReferenceIndicatorType": "INVOICE"
- "shipmentDryIceDetail": {
- "totalWeight": {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 10
- "packageCount": 12
- "internationalControlledExportDetail": {
- "type": "DEA_036"
- "homeDeliveryPremiumDetail": {
- "shipTimestamp": "2020-04-24",
- "homedeliveryPremiumType": "APPOINTMENT"
- "specialServiceTypes": [
- "customsClearanceDetail": {
- "brokers": [
- {
- "broker": {
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": 123456789
- "address": null,
- "contact": null
- "type": "IMPORT"
- "commercialInvoice": {
- "shipmentPurpose": "GIFT"
- "freightOnValue": "CARRIER_RISK",
- "dutiesPayment": {
- "payor": {
- "responsibleParty": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "postalCode": "90210",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": "John Taylor",
- "emailAddress": "sample@company.com",
- "phoneNumber": "1234567890",
- "phoneExtension": "phone extension",
- "companyName": "Fedex",
- "faxNumber": "fax number"
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "123456789"
- "paymentType": "SENDER"
- "commodities": [
- {
- "description": "DOCUMENTS",
- "weight": {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 22
- "quantity": 1,
- "customsValue": {
- "amount": "100",
- "currency": "USD"
- "unitPrice": {
- "amount": "100",
- "currency": "USD"
- "numberOfPieces": 1,
- "countryOfManufacture": "US",
- "quantityUnits": "PCS",
- "name": "DOCUMENTS",
- "harmonizedCode": "080211",
- "partNumber": "P1"
- "smartPostInfoDetail": {
- "ancillaryEndorsement": "ADDRESS_CORRECTION",
- "hubId": "5531",
- "indicia": "MEDIA_MAIL",
- "carrierCodes": [
- "FDXE",
- "FDXG"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 500
- 503
- "transactionId": "624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492",
- "customerTransactionId": "AnyCo_order123456789",
- "output": {
- "rateReplyDetails": [
- {
- "serviceType": "INTERNATIONAL_FIRST",
- "serviceName": "FedEx International First",
- "packagingType": "YOUR_PACKAGING",
- "customerMessages": [
- {
- "message": "Rate does not include duties & taxes, clearance entry fees or other import fees. The payor of duties/taxes/fees will be responsible for any applicable Clearance Entry Fees."
- {
- "message": "The harmonized code for the commodity at array index 1 is missing or invalid; estimated duties and taxes were not returned."
- "ratedShipmentDetails": [
- {
- "rateType": "ACCOUNT",
- "ratedWeightMethod": "ACTUAL",
- "totalDiscounts": 0,
- "totalBaseCharge": 403.2,
- "totalNetCharge": 445.54,
- "totalVatCharge": 0,
- "totalNetFedExCharge": 445.54,
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- "encoding": "utf-8",
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- "quoteDate": "2019-09-06",
- "encoded": false,
- "alerts": [
- {
- "message": "We are unable to process this request. Please try again later or contact FedEx Customer Service.",
- "alertType": "NOTE"