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Developer Portal

June 14, 2023

FedEx APIs – Test Response Virtualization Environment Announcement

FedEx is excited to announce an update to our API sandbox environment. Virtualization of the environment response that will speed up testing and improve move to production efforts for all customers. On June 17, 2023, we will release the first two APIs to be virtualized: TRACK API and RATES AND TRANSIT TIMES API. We will continue to virtualize additional end points with planned completion by the end of October 2023.

Virtualizing the API response, enables faster and more efficient testing processes, resulting in accelerated development timelines and smoother transitions to production. This enhancement will significantly improve your ability to deliver high-quality products and services to your clients.

These new virtualized services will return the automated response for defined test scenarios. You can find more specifics in our documentation. When a given test response cannot be found in the virtual environment it will seamlessly route to the live sandbox response.

The virtualized response will have an alert as below in the response for identification purposes.

"alerts": [ 
			"code": "VIRTUAL.RESPONSE", 
			"message": "This is a Virtual Response.", 
			"alertType": "NOTE" 


  • Customer registration / authentication experience will remain As-Is.
  • Data in the virtual responses may differ from data when the request is served from Live Test/Sandbox instance. However, this does not impact the customers integration testing process.
  • The other API Test instances will also be virtualized and included in future releases. We will keep you posted.