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Apr 01, 2022

FedEx APIs - FedEx Ground Economy (FGE) Announcements

FedEx is introducing a new FedEx Ground Economy (formerly called FedEx SmartPost) label to make it easier for customers to track and identify which carrier delivered their package.  Effective May 31, 2022, a new FedEx Ground Economy label will be released to FedEx Web Services and FedEx API customers. 

Note: This is applicable to US Market only.

FedEx Ground Economy Label enhancements

Since most FedEx Ground Economy packages are delivered via the FedEx Ground network, the label will have the following updates:

  • More FedEx branding is being added to align with the FedEx Ground Economy product name that was released in March 2021
  • A FedEx tracking number and Epic barcode are being added
    • This FedEx tracking number will enable recipients who enter it in their search engines to be directed to FedEx for all tracking inquiries
  • The optional Customer Reference barcode is being relocated and will be limited to 24 characters

Note: While the customer reference barcode is limited to 24 characters on the label, but the other FedEx systems should continue to allow 40 characters for FedEx API.

  • All current FedEx Ground Economy label elements will be moved to the bottom half of the label

What actions do you need to take?

No action is required to gain access to the new and improved label. If you issue or create custom notifications, we recommend that you use the new FedEx tracking number sent in the shipping reply to direct inquiries to

What does the new label look like?

FGE Label

New FedEx Ground Economy Label

What are additional changes to be aware of?

The data in the shipping reply will have some modifications and this could impact how you are currently using the data in the reply. Highlights are documented below:

  • You will continue to receive a USPS tracking number and barcode string.  
    • Invoicing details will continue to display the USPS tracking number.
    • If you are using the USPS IMpb barcode, there are no changes to the barcode and tracking number.
    • If you are using the USPS legacy barcode, you will notice these changes:
      • The application ID is 92, instead of 91.
      • The service type code is 3 digits, instead of 2.
      • The serial number is 7 digits, instead of 8.
  • You will receive a 12-digit FedEx master tracking number, instead of USPS master tracking number. In addition, you will not receive the USPS application id for the master tracking number. 
  • You will receive a 12-digit FedEx tracking number. 
    • If you currently receive a 15-digit Ground tracking number, the tracking number length and type will change. 
    • If you currently request a Ground tracking number, you will continue to receive a FEDEX tracking number by default. You do not need to modify your shipping request.
  • You will receive a 34-digit FedEx 1D barcode string. 
    • If you currently receive a 22-digit Ground barcode, the barcode length and type will change.  
    • If you currently receive a 34-digit FedEx 1D barcode string, you will continue to receive the barcode string by default. You do not need to modify your shipping request.
  • The master tracking id and type will be a FedEx tracking number and type instead of a USPS tracking number and type.
  • When you enter customer references for an FedEx Ground Economy shipment, your label will include a customer reference barcode with up to 24 characters, instead of 30 (like today)
  • If you issue or create custom notifications, we recommend that you use the FedEx tracking number to direct inquiries to

There will be changes to the FedEx API shipping reply in addition to the label changes; highlights are documented below:

  • You will continue to receive a USPS tracking number and barcode string
    • Invoicing details will continue to display the USPS tracking number.
  • You will receive a 12-digit FedEx Master Tracking Number, instead of USPS master tracking number. In addition, you will no longer receive a USPS application id for the master tracking number. 
  • You will receive a 12-digit FedEx tracking number.
  • You will receive a 34-digit FedEx 1D barcode string.
  • When you enter customer references for an FedEx Ground Economy shipment, the label will include a customer reference barcode with up to 24 characters, instead of 30 like today.
  • The master tracking id and type will be a FedEx Tracking Number and type instead of a USPS tracking number and type.
  • If you issue or create custom notifications, we recommend that you use the FedEx tracking number to direct inquiries to

If you have questions or need technical assistance, please visit the Support Page for dedicated support phone number or contact your FedEx Customer Technology representative.

Thank you for your time and attention. We appreciate your business.