Getting started

Start your integration as a FedEx Compatible Provider by taking advantage of the value provided by FedEx APIs. The following instructions will guide you through every step in the process of extending FedEx features and capabilities within your solution.


FedEx Shipper: 

Company who ships with FedEx and needs to integrate FedEx APIs into their own applications.

Solution or Service Provider

Company who needs to integrate with FedEx APIs to build a solution, application or plugin that can be sold and/or distributed to an external organization that ships with FedEx. Find out if your company is a verified FedEx provider by searching our global directory.

  • FedEx Compatible Provider: Verified company with a contractual agreement through the FedEx Compatible program.
  • Non-Compatible Provider: Solution or service is not verified by the FedEx Compatible program.

Select an option below that best describes your business. No matter your user type, there is a getting started experience available to you.