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Freight LTL API

The API allows you to get rate estimates, process shipments, create labels for each handling unit and schedule pickups for your FedEx Freight® LTL shipments.


The API allows you to get rate estimates, process shipments, create labels for each handling unit and schedule pickups for your FedEx Freight® LTL shipments.

Key Features

freight pallet icon

Shipment rates and Transit Times

Get account-specific rates and Time in Transit for any combination of origin/destination pairs that are currently serviceable by FedEx.

Email icon

Manage Freight LTL shipments

Manage your shipping program by creating new shipments or deleting shipments that have not already been tendered to FedEx.

freight pallet icon

Manage Pickups

Request pickup availabilities for your FedEx Freight® LTL shipments and request pick up for FedEx Freight shipments. You can also delete a scheduled pickup request any time before the requested shipment ready time.

This section represents a log of all technical updates associated with this API and its endpoints. All the changes made are grouped by date. The date mentioned denotes when these changes were loaded into the production. 

To know more about the features, we recommend you visit the API documentation page for this API. 


July 15, 2024 Change Log:

A new service FedEx International Deferred Freight (FDF) is introduced. This new global air freight shipping service provides shipping of international air freight shipments at a cost-effective solution with extended delivery/transit times at economical rates. This service is only available in selected country to country lanes.

April 22, 2022 Change Log:

    Following are the new objects added in Create Freight LTL Pickup endpoint:

  • accountNumber – This object is added to request account number to schedule freight LTL pickup. Though this object is optional, the indicated freight account number is used for FedEx Freight Direct special service pickup.
  • dimensions – This object is added to request the length, width, height and units of measurement used to measure the shipment dimensions.
  • alternateBilling – This object is added to request alternate address, contact details and account number to schedule freight LTL pickup for third party accounts. You can indicate the contact, address, and account number details in the alternateBilling/contact, alternateBilling/address, and alternateBilling/accountNumber objects respectively.

Feb 19, 2022 Change Log:

  • Added validation for element locale:
    The element pickupNotificationDetail/emailDetails/locale accepts only valid locale values and returns error for any incorrect locale values.
  • New object soldTo is added to the request:
    The soldTo object will indicate the party responsible for purchasing the goods shipped from the shipper to the recipient. The Sold to party is not necessarily the recipient or the importer of record. The Sold to party is relevant when the purchaser, rather than the recipient determines when certain customs regulations apply.
  • In shipper/contacts object now either personName or companyName is required and not both. An error will be returned if both personName and CompanyName are blank or not provided in the request.