JANUARY 13, 2025
FedEx API | FedEx Developer Portal Release Notes
We are pleased to announce our most recent enhancements to FedEx APIs and the FedEx Developer Portal. This release offers new FedEx API features and updates to enhance your customer experience.
List of enhancements included are:
FedEx API Enhancements
- Freight LTL API is retiring Collect on Delivery (C.O.D.)
FedEx will not provide C.O.D (Collect on delivery) service to Freight LTL customers as of January 12. FedEx will not be liable for collection of the C.O.D. amount as this is not a service provided. All storage, reconsignment and freight charges will apply to shipments marked C.O.D.

- Simplified Commodity Shipping within EU
This new enhancement enables customers to ship goods that are in free circulation within European countries by only providing the commodity description instead of the complete commodity details in the shipment request.
- U.S. Inbound Processing Fee for all U.S. inbound shipments
A charge will be assessed on certain U.S. import shipments in connection with the processing of those shipments for clearance. This fee will be part of the customer’s transportation invoice.

- FedEx Surround® surcharges (Premium and Preferred tiers) available on non-US domestic shipments
FedEx Surround® Preferred or Premium is now available for international customers shipments, with associated surcharges. FedEx Surround® will also be available as it rolls out globally where shipper and consignee are both in the same country. Roll out of this service will begin in February 2025. New sales communication materials and pricing for eligible countries will be released soon.

FedEx Developer Portal Enhancements
- FedEx Developer Portal API performance dashboard
FedEx Developer Portal will now offer performance and outage information for all APIs in one page.
Additional Information:
- For any technical details, please go to the API Catalog.
- For additional information on how to use FedEx APIs, please go to API Guides.
- For technical assistance, please click on Select your Location and Language > select your language > go to Menu and select Support.