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Developer Portal

January 16, 2023

FedEx API | FedEx Developer Portal Release Notes

FedEx announces new enhancements and capabilities for the January 2023 version of FedEx API and FedEx Developer Portal.

FedEx is excited to announce new enhancements and capabilities for FedEx APIs and the FedEx Developer Portal. This release offers new FedEx API features and updates to enhance your shipping experience.

List of Enhancements included are:

Ship API - FedEx Ground Economy
Ship API - Canada Export Declaration
Ship API - FedEx Ground Economy
Ship API - Canada Export Declaration

FedEx Developer Portal Enhancements

  • Performance Dashboard
    FedEx Developer Portal (FDP) will show the status of all APIs. All customers who log into FDP portal under an organization will be able to access this report in the supported local languages.

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