API Certification
Certification is a mandatory step for some APIs before they can be utilized in the FedEx production environment. The process determines if your implementation meets a number of requirements to achieve the safe, secure and effective operation of your solution in the FedEx production environment. Differing levels of review may be required depending on the API.
Label Certification
Shipping Label Certification is a more advanced process for certain APIs where the compliance of labels generated from the test environment are evaluated by the FedEx label evaluation team.

APIs Requiring No Certification:
API Authorization
FedEx Location Search API
Postal Code Validation API
Rates and Transit Times API
Service Availability API
Track API
Address Validation API
Ground End of Day Close API
Pickup Request API
Freight LTL API
Trade Documents Upload API

APIs Requiring Shipping Label Certification:
Open Ship API
Ship API
Consolidation API
Shipping Label Certification steps for US and CA
Once you finish developing your web-enabled application, it’s time to complete testing using the test credentials (test shipping account(s), API Key and Secret Key). Your test API Key and Secret Key will be displayed on the Project Overview page and can be seen at any time.
After you’ve tested with the FedEx APIs, you need to start the certification process by moving your project to production on the FedEx Developer Portal. Once you’ve done so successfully, you will see your production API Key and Secret Key. You will only see your production Secret Key once, but you will be able to regenerate it at a later time.
Add a Production account to your organization and then assign it to your project. Subscribe to the APIs you want to use in that project. Once that's done you will have your Production Client ID that you can include on the label submission coversheet.
Completely fill out the Label Cover Sheet with appropriate contact information as well as what services you plan to implement. Include your account number and production key.
Generate test labels within the FedEx test environment associated with the application and then submit the test labels to the FedEx label evaluation team(s) for approval.
Note: The Bar Code Analysis group requires a three-business-day turnaround time for label evaluation.
To avoid processing delays, please follow the below best practices:
- Labels must be printed and scanned at a minimum of 600 DPI. DO NOT SEND APIs GENERATED FILES.
- For thermal printers, the label image type must be requested in accordance with the printer model. Example: ZPLII for Zebra printers
- Use the shipper/recipient address information when creating sample labels for evaluation. Only create sample labels for the specific services that are being applied for.
- FedEx® Collect on Delivery (C.O.D.) label must also include the corresponding C.O.D. Return label.
- FedEx International Express® shipments must also include the auxiliary/secondary Air Waybill (AWB) label.
- Multi-piece shipments (MPS) must include one label for each package in the shipment.
- Email the PDF and Label Cover sheet to: label@fedex.com
- Physical labels may be sent to the below address:
FedEx Services
WTC-Business Solutions Testing
10 FedEx Parkway
2nd Floor Horizontal
Collierville, TN 38017
Note: If the scanned labels are without visible defects (such as lines going through the barcode, spots in the ink, or physical damage), then they may pass inspection and approval will be granted.
If sending physical labels, pay attention to print quality and accidental enlargement/shrinkage of labels (i.e. scaling). These are the top two reasons why labels do not pass the label evaluation process.
The Bar Code Analysis group will evaluate the submitted test labels and approve or reject the labels. The Bar Code Analysis group will contact you regarding the approval or rejection of the submitted labels. If the labels are approved, continue to the next step. If the labels are rejected, correct the labels as instructed and resubmit them for approval.
Once the test labels are approved for production status by the Bar Code Analysis Group, they will authorize your production credentials to transmit the identified shipping label transaction and notify you via email of successful certification.
Note: Your approval is on a per project basis.
Replace the test URL and test credentials with the production URL and production credentials.
Shipping Label Certification steps for everywhere else
Argentina (AR) |
0.810.DE.FEDEX (0.810.3333339) |
Belize (BZ) |
501.223.1577 |
Bolivia (BO) |
591.2.212.0000 |
Brazil (BR) |
Call in Portuguese: 0.810.DE.FEDEX (0.810.3333339)
Chile (CL) |
56.22361.6000 |
Colombia (CO) | |
Costa Rica (CR) |
800.GO.FEDEX (800.46.33339) |
Dominica (DM) |
767.448.0992 |
Dominican Republic (DO) |
809.565.3636 |
Ecuador (EC) |
02.394.8430 |
El Salvador (SV) |
503.2250.8800 |
French Guiana (GF) |
594.37.93.96 |
Grenada (GD) |
473.440.2206 |
Guatemala (GT) |
1.801.00.FEDEX or 2411.2100 |
Guyana (GY) |
592.227.6976 / 9 or 592.227.6975 |
Honduras (HN) |
504.2221.2010 |
Mexico (MX) |
55.5228.9904 |
Nicaragua (NI) |
505.2264.8500 |
Panama (PA) |
507.271.3838 |
Paraguay (PY) |
595.21.616.6100 |
Peru (PE) |
511.517.1600 |
Suriname (SR) |
597.494290 / 495254 |
Uruguay (UY) |
598.2628.0100 |
Venezuela (VE) |
0.800.DE.FEDEX (0.800.33.333.39) |
Anguilla (AI) |
264.497.3575 |
Antigua & Barbuda (AG) |
268.462.4858 / 4 |
Aruba (AW) |
297.582.9039 |
Bahamas (BS) |
242.322.5656 or 242.677.1950 |
Barbados (BB) |
1.800.GO.FEDEX (1.800.463.3339) |
Bermuda (BM) |
441.295.3854 |
British Virgin Islands (VG) (Tortola & Virgin Gorda) |
1.800.GO.FEDEX (1.800.463.3339) |
Caribbean Netherlands: Bonaire, Saba, Sint. Eustatius (BQ) |
5999.737.3000 |
Cayman Islands (KY) |
1.800.GO.FEDEX (1.800.463.3339) |
Curacao (CW) |
5999.737.3000 |
Guadeloupe & St. Barthelemy (GP) |
0590.26.85.44 |
Haiti (HT) |
509.3702.2348 |
Jamaica (JM) |
1.888.GO.FEDEX (1.888.463.3339) |
Martinique (MQ) |
596.42.41.00 |
Montserrat (MS) |
664.491.2714 |
Puerto Rico (PR) |
1.800.GO.FEDEX (1.800.463.3339) |
Saint Martin (French Control) (MF) |
5999.737.3000 |
Sint Maarten (Dutch Control) (SX) |
5999.737.3000 |
St Kitts and Nevis (KN) |
869.465.1305 / 4155 |
St Lucia (LC) |
758.452.1320 / 1388 |
St Vincent (VC) |
784.456.1649 |
Trinidad And Tobago (TT) |
1.800.GO.FEDEX (1.800.463.3339) |
Turks And Caicos (TC) |
649.946.4682 |
US Virgin Islands (St. Croix, St. John, & St. Thomas) (VI) |
1.800.GO.FEDEX (1.800.463.3339) |
Proprietary Customers: Label Certification
Shipping Label Certification is a more advanced process for certain APIs. Follow the guidance of your CT representative and/or email your test labels and with the appropriate contact information, list all API’s you plan to implement as well. Include your account number and production key.
Third-Party Providers: Solution Validation
In order to be able to move your FedEx API project to production and deploy your FedEx integration to customers, validation by FedEx is required. Please complete the Integrator Validation Cover Sheet (shared via email) and send it to validationmtp@fedex.com including all required submissions to validate your solution.
India |
All other countries in this region |
Certification is a mandatory step for some APIs before they can be utilized in the FedEx production environment. The process determines if your implementation meets a number of requirements to achieve the safe, secure and effective operation of your solution in the FedEx production environment. Differing levels of review may be required depending on the API.