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Ground End of Day Close API

This API allows you to reconcile shipping information for your FedEx Ground® shipments and print the Ground Manifest report. Use this API to initiate the final stage processing of all shipment data submitted for the day (close of business).

Close is optional, but recommended. This API is only required if shipping ground hazmat or if you want to print the manifest report.


This API allows you to reconcile shipping information for your FedEx Ground® shipments and print the Ground Manifest report. Use this API to initiate the final stage processing of all shipment data submitted for the day (close of business).

Close is optional, but recommended. This API is only required if shipping ground hazmat or if you want to print the manifest report.

Key Features

FedEx Truck icon

Close multiple times

The close operation can be performed multiple times during each shipping day. There is no need to reopen once a close has been processed; just simply start shipping again.

This section represents a log of all technical updates associated with this API and its endpoints. All the changes made are grouped by date. The date mentioned denotes when these changes were loaded into the production. 

To know more about the features, we recommend you visit the API documentation page for this API.