Service Availability API
服務選項 API 能讓您判斷適用於 FedEx Express® 和 FedEx Ground® 的不同可用 FedEx® 服務、特別服務和包裝類型,以利輸入寄件地和目的地地點詳情。
服務選項 API 詳情
以下是與服務選項 API 相關的功能:
- 檢索輸入寄件地和目的地之間可用的所有 FedEx Express® 和 FedEx Ground® 服務及相應包裝類型組合。
- 檢索所有可用特別服務選項及遞送簽名選項,以及在寄件地和目的地之間適用於 FedEx Express 和 FedEx Ground 服務的退回貨件類型。
- 取得指定寄件地和目的地可用服務的運送時間。
服務選項 API 的運作方式
使用此服務來檢索可用的 FedEx 服務、特別服務 (服務選項) 和包裝類型。
- 貨件詳情與地址
- 收件人詳情與地址
- 帳戶號碼和託運日期
- 要託運的商品
此請求的結果是所提供之輸入可用的所有 FedEx 服務、服務選項及包裝選項的清單。如果地址詳情不正確,請求便會失敗,例如:國家/地區、州份/省份和郵區編號代碼的組合不正確。
- 貨件詳情與地址
- 收件人詳情與地址
- 帳戶號碼和託運日期
- 要託運的商品
此請求的結果列出所有可用 FedEx 服務選項的清單,以及寄件地和目的地之間可選用的遞送簽名選項和退回貨件類型。顧客可以按貨運公司代碼及/或服務類型篩選結果,以便檢視更具體的服務選項。此服務適用於貨運公司代碼 FedEx Express (FDXE)、FedEx Ground (FDXG) 和 FedEx Ground® Economy (前稱 FedEx SmartPost®) (FXSP)。
- 貨件詳情與地址
- 收件人詳情與地址
- 帳戶號碼和託運日期
- 要託運的商品
此請求的結果是所有可用 FedEx 服務及運送時間詳情的清單。如果地址詳情不正確,請求便會失敗,例如:城市、州份/省份和郵區編號代碼的組合不正確。
FedEx Services
FedEx 提供一系列託運服務,以滿足不同時間表和預算需要,並設有全面服務選擇及可靠的支援系統,確保有效派送包裹。
這些 FedEx 服務如下所示:
FedEx Express®
FedEx Express 速度很快,承諾在指定時間派送,提供原銀奉還保證,並隨附白色包裹和速遞盒。
- 在美國境內,指明在 1、2 或 3 個工作天的指定時間前派送,適用於文件類貨件和重量不多於 150 磅的包裹。
FedEx Ground®
這是一項符合成本效益的地面派送服務,適用於派送至商業和住宅地址,視乎與目的地的距離而定,能在 1 至 7 個工作天內的指定日期透過地面運輸形式,派送至美國接壤州份的每個美國商業地址 (阿拉斯加和夏威夷則為 3 至 7 個工作天)。國際方面,視乎與目的地的距離而定,FedEx Ground 能在 2 至 7 個工作天內的指定日期,派送至加拿大的每個商業和住宅地址。
FedEx Home Delivery®
此服務每週 7 天均可派送至住宅,大部分地點會在星期六派送,許多則會在星期日。
FedEx Home Delivery 貨件允許您託運最重 150 磅的包裹。
FedEx Ground® Economy (前稱 FedEx SmartPost®)
此服務提供符合成本效益的集運和派送,適用於企業對消費者的包裹,並與美國郵政服務® 合作派送。
FedEx Office®
適用於商業和文件解決方案,包括使用 FedEx Express 和 FedEx Ground 託運服務。FedEx Office 網絡由數碼互聯的服務站組成,能助您有效地管理工作團隊與地點的各類商業服務需要,同時助您控制及減低成本。
FedEx Logistics
- 綜合型報關代理、關稅最低化,以及出口文件。
- 全球海運和空運貨運分發、貨物保險,以及多模式分發。
- 直接投遞貨件、通過分發中心和廠商/供應商管理計劃可用。
您的託運需求 | FedEx 服務 |
下一個工作天早上第一時間 | FedEx First Overnight® |
下一個工作天早上 | FedEx 優先翌日速遞服務® |
下一個工作天下午 | FedEx Standard Overnight® |
2 個工作天後早上 | FedEx 2 天上午速遞服務® |
2 個工作天 | FedEx 2 天速遞服務® |
3 個工作天 | FedEx Express Saver® |
寄至商業地址、經濟實惠的地面運輸派送 | FedEx Ground® |
寄至住宅地址、經濟實惠的地面運輸派送 | FedEx Home Delivery® |
寄至住宅地址的低重量包裹 | FedEx Ground® Economy (前稱 FedEx SmartPost®) |
星期一至五翌日 1 天運輸 | FedEx Extra Hours® |
您的託運需求 | FedEx 服務 |
同一天較早送達全球主要市場 | FedEx 國際特早速遞服務® |
1、2 或 3 個工作天內送到全球各地 | FedEx 國際優先速遞服務® FedEx 國際優先速遞服務 (2A) FedEx 國際優先速遞服務 (2P) |
5 個工作天內送到全球各地 | FedEx 國際經濟速遞服務® |
5至10個工作天將貨件送達 | FedEx® International Deferred Freight |
分送速遞貨件 | FedEx 國際優先分送速遞服務® FedEx 國際經濟速遞服務分送速遞SM |
寄至加拿大、經濟實惠的地面運輸派送 | FedEx International Ground® |
可用 FedEx 運輸服務的清單。有關服務類型的詳情,請參閱服務類型
FedEx 服務選項
FedEx Express® 本地 (美國、加拿大) 服務選項
- 酒精 (僅限美國) – FedEx 酒精託運要求適用於葡萄酒、烈酒和啤酒。有鑒於監管條例視乎飲品類型而異,每個類型都會分開列出。視乎所選的託運服務而定,葡萄酒是唯一可直接託運給消費者的酒精類型。視乎每個包裝容量的酒精百分比而定,酒精可能是 FedEx Express 危險品 (DG)。此功能僅適用於已登記 FedEx 酒精飲品託運計劃的 FedEx 帳戶持有人。
- 危險品 – 載有危險品的貨件,必須按照現行國際航空運輸協會 (IATA) 的空中運輸條例,以及 FedEx Express 條款及細則,交由 FedEx Express 處理。無論路線為何,以及貨件最終是否實際經由空中運輸、地面運輸或其組合來運送,這都是必要條件。為了增添信心,使用 FedEx DG Ready 解決方案,以生成您的危險品申報表。您的解決方案會將您的資料傳輸至 FedEx,以預先驗證您的貨件,然後再交給 FedEx Express。
- 乾冰 – 您可以託運包含乾冰的包裹,前提是託運交易中已加入乾冰貨件的規格。乾冰會被視為危險品物料。
- 由服務站保管 – FedEx Express 由 FedEx 服務站保管 (HAL) 服務,適用於想在指定 FedEx 服務站收取包裹的顧客。例如:獲核准的葡萄酒寄件人可能想使用 FedEx Express 由 FedEx 服務站保管服務,為偏好從 FedEx Office 或 FedEx 服務站櫃檯服務站收取葡萄酒貨件的顧客而提供。
- 室內收件 (僅限美國) – 請求在大樓內收件。
- 室內派送 (僅限美國) – 請求在收件人的大樓內派送。
- 退件標籤 (僅限美國) – 列印退件標籤的服務選項。
- 星期六收件/派送 – 視乎服務、收件/派送地點和其他選項而定,FedEx 會在星期六收件及派送。
- 簽名選項 – 基於所選的特別服務,適當的簽名選項會在清單中顯示。簽名選項適用於美國目的地和來自加拿大寄件地的貨件。可用的簽名選項如下:
- 無 – 無須簽名。
- 派送時無須簽名。如果派送至商業地點,則寄件人必須有 FedEx 記錄在案的簽名放行號碼。如果派送至住宅地點,則寄件人無須有 FedEx 記錄在案的簽名放行號碼。
- 須間接簽名。
- 須直接簽名。
- 須成人簽名 (僅限美國)。
貨件將根據所選貨件類型的標準操作程序來派送。如需更多詳情,請參閱 FedEx 服務指南。
FedEx Ground® 本地 (美國、加拿大) 服務選項
有害物質 (僅限美國) – 如需詳盡的有害物質託運資料,請前往 的有害物質運輸畫面。
FedEx Home Delivery® 特別服務
- 最重 150 磅的美國貨件。
- 預約派送 (僅限美國)
星期一至六早上 9 點至晚上 8 點,適用於每個美國住宅地址。 - 指定日期派送 (僅限美國)
星期一至六派送包裹至居民家中,假日除外。所選日期不得在標準派送日期之前,而且必須在收件日期 14 天內。 - 晚間派送 (僅限美國)
如果必須親身派送,而您的收件人無法在日間收件。使用此選項,指明在排定派送日期的下午 5 點至晚上 8 點期間派送。 - 7 天派送
FedEx Home Delivery® 每週 7 天均可派送至住宅,大部分地點會在星期六派送,許多則會在星期日。
如果您託運被 FedEx Ground 視為「非標準」的包裹,則該貨件會自動收取額外服務附加費。
非標準 FedEx Ground 包裹是以下任何一種包裹:
- 測量長度大於 60,但長度等於或小於 108 吋。
- 不完全裝在外託運容器內
- 裝在金屬或木製的外託運容器內
- 任何筒或桶 (少於 5 加侖)、未完全裝在瓦楞紙板製成的外託運容器內
FedEx 提供一系列派送選項以滿足 FedEx 顧客的需要。是否需要簽名來證明 FedEx 顧客的有價值商品安全抵達、需要成人簽名,或者完全沒有簽名。
這些 FedEx 遞送簽名選項的可用性,視乎您的貨件使用的特別服務和貨件類型而有所不同。
- 不須簽名:FedEx 將嘗試於送貨地址取得簽名。如果沒有人可以簽收,FedEx 會在未有簽收的情況下,將您的包裹遞送至安全地方存放。
- 須間接簽名:FedEx 將讓送貨地址的某人簽收,可能是鄰居或樓宇管理人。如果沒有人簽收,FedEx 會在另一個日期嘗試重新派送包裹。此選項僅適用於住宅派送。
- 須直接簽名:FedEx 只會請位於送貨地址的人士簽名。如果沒有人可以簽收,FedEx 會在另一個日期嘗試重新派送包裹。
- 須成人簽名:FedEx 會請位於送貨地址的某人簽名,該等人士必須至少年滿目的地國家/地區的法定成人年齡 (不再是未成年人)。簽收人必須出示政府簽發並附有相片的身份證明文件,或其他受到當地政府承認的身分證明文件。如果該地址無符合資格的收件人,FedEx 可能會重新嘗試派送。對於美國派件,收件人必須年滿 21 歲及出示政府簽發並附有相片的身份證明文件。
監察及介入 (MI) 及醫療保健識別符 (HCID)
監察及介入 (MI) 及醫療保健識別符 (HCID) 特別服務選項,有助主動監察重要的醫療保健貨件、減輕風險,並提供介入支援以保護醫療保健貨件。HCID 特別服務能識別具時間敏感性的醫療保健貨件,並促進其在 FedEx 網絡中的優先處理。
醫療保健選項僅適用於Express Premium服務。您必須先選擇M&I特別服務選項,然後才能託運這些醫療保健選項。如需可用服務清單,請參閱MI和HCID特別服務選項。
在檢索特別服務請求中註明此服務類型時,API 將發回您的寄件地和目的地組合所有可用醫療保健服務的清單。API 亦會在回應中為服務發回 sequenceNumber 和 sequenceDisplay,這決定了標籤中醫療保健服務的序列和顯示順序。
危險物品(DG)陸運服務是一項包裹層級的特別服務選項,可讓寄件人根據ADR條例以陸運方式在歐洲境內託運危險物品包裹。DG陸運服務提供FedEx地區經濟速遞服務、FedEx地區經濟速遞大貨服務、FedEx Express國內速遞服務等,便於寄件人在歐洲主要巿場內託運乾冰、鋰電池、限量危險物品等。
- 單獨鋰電池貨件
- 全面受監管危險物品陸運
- 限量貨件陸運
- 基因改造(微)生物
- B 類生物物質
- 除外數量
- 放射性物質
- 必須在specialServiceTypes下指明STANDALONE_BATTERY列舉,才能在元素standaloneBatteryDetails下取得電池詳細資訊的選項。特別服務類型僅適用於歐洲地區境內。
- 如為全面受監管危險物品(FDG)和限量危險物品(LDG)貨件,您需要在貨件請求中的dangerousGoodsDetail元件下指明條例為ADR才能獲得有效處理。
FedEx 包裝服務
FedEx 提供經過特別設計的包裝解決方案,以滿足顧客的文件、診斷、重關稅、安全及溫度控制需要。包裝對貨件派送快捷順利至關重要。因此 FedEx 自行設計了不同形狀和不同大小,一系列隨時可用、自動封口的包裝物料。
FedEx One Rate
FedEx One Rate 是一項固定運費的託運服務,您無須磅重或測量不足 50 磅的貨件。您可於選擇最符合託運物品之尺寸的託運箱或速遞筒,並在當中塞滿包裹,只要貨件重量不超出 50 磅即可。它為您的速遞包裹提供一個簡單、可預測、固定運費託運的選項。FedEx One Rate 託運產品組合基於六種速遞服務選項以及七種 FedEx 專有 (白色) 包裝類型。
FedEx One Rate 包裝
One Rate 價格選項的有效/可用 FedEx 包裝類型如下:
- FEDEX_PAK (速遞袋)
- FEDEX_TUBE (速遞筒)
您自己的包裝不適用於 One Rate 定價選項。
- 您不能指明多個貨運公司代碼。如要查看多間貨運公司的結果,則您必須忽略此元素,或分開發送服務選項請求。
- 151 磅或以上的單件棧板超過 2,200 磅的的棧板需要事先核准。
- 要找出允許您為寄件地/目的地組合託運危險品的 FedEx 服務,請使用服務選項服務。
- 多件包裹貨件請求的包裹數量上限為 300 件。
- 必須已針對 Ground Residential 功能啟用寄件人的帳戶號碼。帳戶號碼一經啟用,顧客便可以為不足 150 磅、目的地為住宅地址的貨件,指明 Ground Home Delivery 以外的 Ground 服務類型。
- 如果您的變數選項指定 SATURDAY_DELIVERY,只要服務包含星期六送件選項,均會顯示其星期六送件選項及一般選項。切勿在特別服務欄指定 SATURDAY_DELIVERY,否則僅會返回任何適用的星期六送件選項。
Service Availability API (1.0.0)
Retrieve Services and Transit Times
This endpoint gives the estimated transit times for a particular shipment.
Note: FedEx APIs do not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism.
header Parameters
x-customer-transaction-id | string Example: 0e671149-016f-1000-941f-ef4dbabadd2e This element allows you to assign a unique identifier to your transaction. This element is also returned in the reply and helps you match the request to the reply. It also helps you to track the transaction with APIF. |
content-type required | string Example: application/json This is used to indicate the media type of the resource. The media type is a string sent along with the file indicating format of the file. |
x-locale | string Example: en_US This indicates the combination of language code and country code. Click here to see Locales |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX This indicates the authorization token for the input request. |
Request Body schema: application/json
- Full_Schema_TransitTime
- TransitTimes_Domestic
- TransitTimes_International
requestedShipment | object (TransitTimeRequestedShipment) Provide shipment data details for which a transit time is desired. |
carrierCodes | Array of strings Items Enum: "FDXE" "FDXG" "FXSP" Specify the four letter code of a FedEx operating company that meets your requirements
Bad Request
Not Found
Sandbox Server
Production Server
Request samples
- Payload
- C#
- "requestedShipment": {
- "shipper": {
- "address": {
- "city": "Collierville",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "recipients": [
- {
- "address": {
- "city": "Collierville",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "serviceType": "FEDEX_GROUND",
- "packagingType": "YOUR_PACKAGING",
- "shipDatestamp": "2019-09-01",
- "shippingChargesPayment": {
- "payor": {
- "responsibleParty": {
- "address": {
- "city": "Collierville",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "60xxxxxx2"
- "paymentType": "COLLECT"
- "requestedPackageLineItems": [
- {
- "declaredValue": {
- "amount": 12,
- "currency": "USD"
- "weight": {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 68.25
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 100,
- "width": 50,
- "height": 30,
- "units": "CM"
- "packageSpecialServices": {
- "specialServiceTypes": [
- "COD"
- "codDetail": {
- "codCollectionAmount": {
- "amount": 12.45,
- "currency": "USD"
- "dryIceWeight": {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 10
- "dangerousGoodsDetail": {
- "accessibility": "ACCESSIBLE",
- "options": [
- "alcoholDetail": {
- "alcoholRecipientType": "LICENSEE",
- "shipperAgreementType": "retailer"
- "pieceCountVerificationBoxCount": 2,
- "batteryDetails": {
- "batteryMaterialType": "LITHIUM_METAL",
- "batteryPackingType": "CONTAINED_IN_EQUIPMENT",
- "batteryRegulatoryType": "IATA_SECTION_II"
- "shipmentSpecialServices": {
- "specialServiceTypes": [
- "codDetail": {
- "codCollectionAmount": {
- "amount": 12.45,
- "currency": "USD"
- "codCollectionType": "PERSONAL_CHECK"
- "internationalControlledExportDetail": {
- "homeDeliveryPremiumDetail": {
- "homedeliveryPremiumType": "EVENING"
- "holdAtLocationDetail": {
- "locationId": "YBZA",
- "locationType": "FEDEX_ONSITE",
- "locationContactAndAddress": {
- "contact": {
- "personName": "John Taylor",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "1234567890",
- "phoneExtension": "1234",
- "faxNumber": "1234567890",
- "companyName": "Fedex"
- "address": {
- "city": "Collierville",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "shipmentDryIceDetail": {
- "totalWeight": {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 10
- "packageCount": 12
- "customsClearanceDetail": {
- "commodities": [
- {
- "description": "DOCUMENTS",
- "quantity": 1,
- "unitPrice": {
- "amount": 12.45,
- "currency": "USD"
- "weight": {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 10
- "customsValue": {
- "amount": 12.45,
- "currency": "USD"
- "numberOfPieces": 1,
- "countryOfManufacture": "US",
- "quantityUnits": "PCS",
- "name": "DOCUMENTS",
- "harmonizedCode": "080211",
- "partNumber": "P1"
- "carrierCodes": [
- "FDXG"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 500
- "transactionId": "624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492",
- "customerTransactionId": "AnyCo_order123456789",
- "output": {
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "alertType": "NOTE",
- "message": "string"
- "transitTimes": [
- {
- "transitTimeDetails": [
- {
- "serviceType": "GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY",
- "customerMessages": [
- {
- "message": "Rate does not include dities & taxes, clearance entry fees or other import fees. The payor of duties/taxes/fees will be responsible for any applicable Clearance Entry Fees"
- "distance": {
- "units": "KM",
- "value": 1.2315135367772556
- "commit": {
- "brokerCommitTimestamp": "2020-03-05T00:00:00-06:00",
- "cutOffTime": "18:30:00",
- "commodityName": "copper",
- "transitDays": {
- "description": "2-7 Business Days",
- "minimumTransitTime": "TWO_DAYS",
- "maximumTransitTime": "SEVEN_DAYS"
- "commitMessageDetails": "string",
- "derivedDestinationDetail": {
- "serviceArea": "100015",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "locationId": "631278456",
- "airportId": "CA4562",
- "postalCode": "685423",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "locationNumber": 7856
- "dateDetail": {
- "dayOfWeek": "THU",
- "time": "09:30:00",
- "day": "Apr-13-2021"
- "destinationLocation": {
- "geoPositionalCoordinates": "{\"latitude\":5.637376656633329,\"longitude\":3.616076749251911}"
- "serviceName": "FedEx Home Delivery"
- "encoded": false
Retrieve Services and Packaging Options
Use this endpoint to return a list of all FedEx Express or FedEx Ground services and packaging type combinations that are available between the input origin and destination and subpackaging information.
Note: FedEx APIs do not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism.
header Parameters
x-customer-transaction-id | string Example: 624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492 This element allows you to assign a unique identifier to your transaction. This element is also returned in the reply and helps you match the request to the reply. |
content-type required | string Example: application/json This is used to indicate the media type of the resource. The media type is a string sent along with the file indicating format of the file. |
x-locale | string Example: en_US This indicates the combination of language code and country code. Click here to see Locales |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX This indicates the authorization token for the input request. |
Request Body schema: application/json
- Full_Schema_Package_And_Service_Options
- Package_and_Service_Options_Domestic
- Package_and_Service_Options_International
requestedShipment required | object The descriptive data for the requested shipment. |
carrierCodes | Array of strings Items Enum: "FDXE" "FDXG" "FXFR" "FXSP" "Specify the four letter code of a FedEx operating company that meets your requirements
accountNumber | object This is a Payor account number associated with the shipment. Account number is required, for SmartPost shipments (i.e. Carrier code: FXSP) |
systemOfMeasureType | string Enum: "IMPERIAL" "METRIC" This is system measurement type, such as Imperial or Metric. |
Bad Request
Not Found
Service Unavailable
Sandbox Server
Production Server
Request samples
- Payload
- C#
- "requestedShipment": {
- "shipper": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "Bldg. 10",
- "10 FedEx Parkway"
- "city": "Collierville",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": "John Taylor",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "1234567890",
- "phoneExtension": "phoneExtension",
- "companyName": "Fedex",
- "faxNumber": "faxNumber"
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "Your account number"
- "recipients": [
- {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "Bldg. 10",
- "10 FedEx Parkway"
- "postalCode": "m1m1m1",
- "countryCode": "CA",
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "residential": false
- "shipDateStamp": "2020-02-28",
- "requestedPackageLineItems": [
- {
- "physicalPackaging": "FEDEX_ENVELOPE",
- "groupPackageCount": 0,
- "itemDescriptionForClearance": "Item Description for Clearence",
- "customerReferences": [
- {
- "customerReferenceType": "DEPARTMENT_NUMBER",
- "value": "3686"
- "contentRecord": {
- "itemNumber": "45673289",
- "receivedQuantity": 2,
- "description": "This is the part number.",
- "partNumber": "123"
- "declaredValue": {
- "amount": 12.45,
- "currency": "USD"
- "weight": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68.25
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 100,
- "width": 50,
- "height": 30,
- "units": "CM"
- "packageSpecialServices": {
- "signatureOptionType": "NO_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED",
- "signatureOptionDetail": {
- "signatureReleaseNumber": "TX64739DL7564"
- "alcoholDetail": {
- "alcoholRecipientType": "LICENSEE",
- "shipperAgreementType": "Retailer"
- "dangerousGoodsDetail": {
- "accessibility": "ACCESSIBLE",
- "options": [
- "pieceCountVerificationBoxCount": 0,
- "batteryDetails": [
- {
- "batteryPackingType": "CONTAINED_IN_EQUIPMENT",
- "batteryRegulatoryType": "IATA_SECTION_II",
- "batteryMaterialType": "LITHIUM_METAL"
- "specialServiceTypes": [
- "codDetail": {
- "codCollectionType": "CASH",
- "codCollectionAmount": {
- "amount": 100.5,
- "currency": "USD"
- "dryIceWeight": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68.25
- "standaloneBatteryDetails": [
- {
- "batteryMaterialType": "LITHIUM_METAL"
- "freightShipmentDetail": {
- "shipmentDimensions": {
- "length": 100,
- "width": 30,
- "height": 50,
- "units": "CM"
- "alternateBilling": true,
- "lineItem": [
- {
- "pieces": 1,
- "volume": {
- "units": "CUBIC_FT",
- "value": 9.965781217890562
- "handlingUnits": 1,
- "freightClass": "CLASS_050",
- "description": "Description",
- "weight": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68.25
- "packaging": "SELFPACKAGE",
- "classProvidedByCustomer": true,
- "hazardousMaterials": "HAZARDOUS_MATERIALS",
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 100,
- "width": 50,
- "height": 30,
- "units": "CM"
- "role": "SHIPPER",
- "clientDiscountPercent": 10.5,
- "fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress": {
- "contactAncillaryDetail": {
- "emailAddresses": null,
- "prefix": "prefix",
- "phoneNumberDetails": [
- {
- "number": {
- "areaCode": "areaCode",
- "extension": "extension",
- "countryCode": "countryCode",
- "personalIdentificationNumber": "personalIdentificationNumber",
- "localNumber": "localNumber"
- "permissions": {
- "usage": "PRIMARY",
- "type": "FAX"
- {
- "number": {
- "areaCode": "areaCode",
- "extension": "extension",
- "countryCode": "countryCode",
- "personalIdentificationNumber": "personalIdentificationNumber",
- "localNumber": "localNumber"
- "permissions": {
- "usage": "PRIMARY",
- "type": "FAX"
- "companyName": {
- "division": "division",
- "companyCd": "companyCd",
- "name": "name",
- "department": "department",
- "storeId": "storeId"
- "title": "title"
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": "person name",
- "emailAddress": "email address",
- "phoneNumber": "phone number",
- "phoneExtension": "phone extension",
- "companyName": "company name",
- "faxNumber": "fax number"
- "addressAncillaryDetail": {
- "locationInCity": "location in the city",
- "suite": "suite",
- "locationInProperty": "location in the property",
- "addtionalDescriptions": "addtional descriptions",
- "department": "department",
- "roomFloor": "room or floor",
- "crossStreet": "cross street",
- "building": "building",
- "apartment": "apartment",
- "room": "room",
- "addressVerificationOverrideReason": "CUSTOMER_PROVIDED_PROOF"
- "aliasID": "36839",
- "liabilityCoverageDetail": {
- "coverageType": "NEW",
- "coverageAmount": {
- "amount": 12.45,
- "currency": "USD"
- "fedExFreightAccountNumber": {
- "value": "Your account number"
- "totalHandlingUnits": 0
- "specialServicesRequested": {
- "internationalControlledExportDetail": {
- "type": "DEA_036"
- "returnShipmentDetail": {
- "returnType": "PENDING"
- "homeDeliveryPremiumDetail": {
- "homedeliveryPremiumType": "APPOINTMENT"
- "returnEmailDetail": {
- "merchantPhoneNumber": "1234567890",
- "allowedSpecialService": [
- "specialServiceTypes": [
- "saturdayDeliveryDetail": {
- "locationContactAndAddress": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": {
- "firstName": "first name",
- "lastName": "last name",
- "middleName": "middle name",
- "suffix": "suffix"
- "emailAddress": "email address",
- "phoneNumber": "phone number",
- "companyName": "company name",
- "faxNumber": "fax number",
- "title": "title"
- "holdAtLocationDetail": {
- "locationId": "YBZA",
- "locationContactAndAddress": {
- "contactAncillaryDetail": {
- "emailAddresses": [
- {
- "emailNotificationFormatType": "EMAIL",
- "address": "address",
- "permissions": {
- {
- "emailNotificationFormatType": "TEXT",
- "address": "address",
- "permissions": {
- "prefix": "prefix",
- "phoneNumberDetails": [
- {
- "number": {
- "areaCode": "areaCode",
- "extension": "extension",
- "countryCode": "countryCode",
- "personalIdentificationNumber": "personalIdentificationNumber",
- "localNumber": "localNumber"
- "permissions": {
- "usage": "PRIMARY",
- "type": "FAX"
- {
- "number": {
- "areaCode": "areaCode",
- "extension": "extension",
- "countryCode": "countryCode",
- "personalIdentificationNumber": "personalIdentificationNumber",
- "localNumber": "localNumber"
- "permissions": {
- "usage": "PRIMARY",
- "type": "FAX"
- "companyName": {
- "division": "division",
- "companyCd": "companyCd",
- "name": "name",
- "department": "department",
- "storeId": "storeId"
- "title": "title"
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": "person name",
- "emailAddress": "email address",
- "phoneNumber": "phone number",
- "phoneExtension": "phone extension",
- "companyName": "company name",
- "faxNumber": "fax number"
- "addressAncillaryDetail": {
- "locationInCity": "location in the city",
- "suite": "suite",
- "locationInProperty": "location in the property",
- "addtionalDescriptions": "addtional descriptions",
- "department": "department",
- "roomFloor": "room or floor",
- "crossStreet": "cross street",
- "building": "building",
- "apartment": "apartment",
- "room": "room",
- "addressVerificationOverrideReason": "CUSTOMER_PROVIDED_PROOF"
- "locationType": "FEDEX_ONSITE"
- "codDetail": {
- "codCollectionType": "CASH",
- "codCollectionAmount": {
- "amount": 100.5,
- "currency": "USD"
- "shipmentDryIceDetail": {
- "totalWeight": {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 10
- "packageCount": 12
- "freightDirectDetail": {
- "freightDirectDataDetails": [
- {
- "type": "STANDARD",
- "transportationType": "DELIVERY",
- "eMailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumberDetails": [
- {
- "phoneNumberType": "MOBILE",
- "phoneNumber": "XXXXXXXXX12"
- "carrierCodes": [
- "FDXE"
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "123456789"
- "systemOfMeasureType": "METRIC"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 500
- 503
- "transactionId": "624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492",
- "customerTransactionId": "AnyCo_order123456789",
- "output": {
- "packageOptions": [
- {
- "serviceType": {
- "displayText": "FedEx Ground",
- "key": "FEDEX_GROUND"
- "oneRateMaxWeightAllowed": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68
- "maxWeightAllowed": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68
- "rateTypes": [
- "packagingInfoList": [
- {
- "dimensionText": "9-1/2” x 12-1/2",
- "description": "Letter"
- "packageType": {
- "displayText": "FedEx Box",
- "key": "FEDEX_BOX"
- "maxMetricWeightAllowed": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68
- "oneRateMaxMetricWeightAllowed": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68
- "oneRate": true,
- "advancedRegulatoryPackages": [
- {
- "displayText": "FedEx Ground",
- "key": "FEDEX_GROUND"
- "serviceOptions": [
- {
- "key": "FEDEX_GROUND",
- "displayText": "FedEx Ground"
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "code",
- "alertType": "NOTE",
- "message": "alert message"
Retrieve Special Service Options
Use this endpoint to request list of all available FedEx services, shipment special, service options along with delivery signature options and return shipment types that are available between an origin and destination. You can filter the results using FedEx carrier code(s) and/or service type(s) for specific services.
Note: FedEx APIs do not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism.
header Parameters
x-customer-transaction-id | string Example: 624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492 This element allows you to assign a unique identifier to your transaction. This element is also returned in the reply and helps you match the request to the reply. |
content-type required | string Example: application/json This is used to indicate the media type of the resource. The media type is a string sent along with the file indicating format of the file. |
x-locale | string Example: en_US This indicates the combination of language code and country code. Click here to see Locales |
authorization required | string Example: Bearer XXX This indicates the authorization token for the input request. |
Request Body schema: application/json
- Full_Schema_Special_Service_Options
- Special_Service_Options_Domestic_Ground
- Special_Service_Options_Domestic_Express
- Special_Service_Options_International_Express
- Special_Service_Options_International_Express_Freight
requestedShipment required | object (SpecialServicesRequestedShipment) The shipment details for which special service availability is requested. |
accountNumber | object Account number associated with a Payor object. Example: Your account number |
carrierCodes | Array of strings Items Enum: "FDXE" "FDXG" "FXSP" "FXFR" Optionally supplied to restrict the results to services for a specific carrier. Valid values are: FDXE, FDXG, FXSP. |
Bad Request
Not Found
Service Unavailable
Sandbox Server
Production Server
Request samples
- Payload
- C#
- "requestedShipment": {
- "shipper": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "Bldg. 10",
- "10 FedEx Parkway"
- "city": "Collierville",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": "John Ryan Taylor",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "1234567890",
- "phoneExtension": "91",
- "companyName": "Fedex",
- "faxNumber": "123456789"
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "123456789"
- "recipient": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "Bldg. 10",
- "10 FedEx Parkway"
- "city": "Collierville",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "TN",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": "John Ryan Taylor",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "1234567890",
- "phoneExtension": "91",
- "companyName": "Fedex",
- "faxNumber": "123456789"
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "123456789"
- "serviceType": "STANDARD_OVERNIGHT",
- "packagingType": "FEDEX_BOX",
- "shipDateStamp": "2019-09-01",
- "requestedPackageLineItems": [
- {
- "physicalPackaging": "FEDEX_ENVELOPE",
- "groupPackageCount": 0,
- "itemDescriptionForClearance": "Item Description for Clearence",
- "customerReferences": [
- {
- "customerReferenceType": "DEPARTMENT_NUMBER",
- "value": "3686"
- "contentRecord": {
- "itemNumber": "45673289",
- "receivedQuantity": 2,
- "description": "This is the part number.",
- "partNumber": "123"
- "declaredValue": {
- "amount": 12.45,
- "currency": "USD"
- "weight": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68.25
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 100,
- "width": 50,
- "height": 30,
- "units": "CM"
- "packageSpecialServices": {
- "signatureOptionType": "NO_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED",
- "signatureOptionDetail": {
- "signatureReleaseNumber": "TX64739DL7564"
- "alcoholDetail": {
- "alcoholRecipientType": "LICENSEE",
- "shipperAgreementType": "Retailer"
- "dangerousGoodsDetail": {
- "accessibility": "ACCESSIBLE",
- "options": [
- "pieceCountVerificationBoxCount": 0,
- "batteryDetails": [
- {
- "batteryPackingType": "CONTAINED_IN_EQUIPMENT",
- "batteryRegulatoryType": "IATA_SECTION_II",
- "batteryMaterialType": "LITHIUM_METAL"
- "specialServiceTypes": [
- "codDetail": {
- "codCollectionType": "CASH",
- "codCollectionAmount": {
- "amount": 100.5,
- "currency": "USD"
- "dryIceWeight": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68.25
- "standaloneBatteryDetails": [
- {
- "batteryMaterialType": "LITHIUM_METAL"
- "dropoffType": "DROP_BOX",
- "variableHandlingChargeDetail": {
- "percentValue": 25.67,
- "fixedValue": {
- "amount": 12.45,
- "currency": "USD"
- "rateElementBasis": "NET_CHARGE",
- "rateTypeBasis": "ACCOUNT"
- "freightShipmentDetail": {
- "shipmentDimensions": {
- "length": 100,
- "width": 30,
- "height": 50,
- "units": "CM"
- "alternateBilling": true,
- "lineItem": [
- {
- "pieces": 1,
- "volume": {
- "units": "CUBIC_FT",
- "value": 9.965781217890562
- "handlingUnits": 1,
- "freightClass": "CLASS_050",
- "description": "Description",
- "weight": {
- "units": "KG",
- "value": 68.25
- "packaging": "SELFPACKAGE",
- "classProvidedByCustomer": true,
- "hazardousMaterials": "HAZARDOUS_MATERIALS",
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 100,
- "width": 50,
- "height": 30,
- "units": "CM"
- "role": "SHIPPER",
- "clientDiscountPercent": 10.5,
- "fedExFreightBillingContactAndAddress": {
- "contactAncillaryDetail": {
- "emailAddresses": null,
- "prefix": "prefix",
- "phoneNumberDetails": [
- {
- "number": {
- "areaCode": "areaCode",
- "extension": "extension",
- "countryCode": "countryCode",
- "personalIdentificationNumber": "personalIdentificationNumber",
- "localNumber": "localNumber"
- "permissions": {
- "usage": "PRIMARY",
- "type": "FAX"
- {
- "number": {
- "areaCode": "areaCode",
- "extension": "extension",
- "countryCode": "countryCode",
- "personalIdentificationNumber": "personalIdentificationNumber",
- "localNumber": "localNumber"
- "permissions": {
- "usage": "PRIMARY",
- "type": "FAX"
- "companyName": {
- "division": "division",
- "companyCd": "companyCd",
- "name": "name",
- "department": "department",
- "storeId": "storeId"
- "title": "title"
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": "person name",
- "emailAddress": "email address",
- "phoneNumber": "phone number",
- "phoneExtension": "phone extension",
- "companyName": "company name",
- "faxNumber": "fax number"
- "addressAncillaryDetail": {
- "locationInCity": "location in the city",
- "suite": "suite",
- "locationInProperty": "location in the property",
- "addtionalDescriptions": "addtional descriptions",
- "department": "department",
- "roomFloor": "room or floor",
- "crossStreet": "cross street",
- "building": "building",
- "apartment": "apartment",
- "room": "room",
- "addressVerificationOverrideReason": "CUSTOMER_PROVIDED_PROOF"
- "aliasID": "36839",
- "liabilityCoverageDetail": {
- "coverageType": "NEW",
- "coverageAmount": {
- "amount": 12.45,
- "currency": "USD"
- "fedExFreightAccountNumber": {
- "value": "Your account number"
- "totalHandlingUnits": 0
- "specialServicesRequested": {
- "internationalControlledExportDetail": {
- "type": "DEA_036"
- "returnShipmentDetail": {
- "returnType": "PENDING"
- "homeDeliveryPremiumDetail": {
- "homedeliveryPremiumType": "APPOINTMENT"
- "returnEmailDetail": {
- "merchantPhoneNumber": "1234567890",
- "allowedSpecialService": [
- "specialServiceTypes": [
- "saturdayDeliveryDetail": {
- "locationContactAndAddress": {
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": {
- "firstName": "first name",
- "lastName": "last name",
- "middleName": "middle name",
- "suffix": "suffix"
- "emailAddress": "email address",
- "phoneNumber": "phone number",
- "companyName": "company name",
- "faxNumber": "fax number",
- "title": "title"
- "holdAtLocationDetail": {
- "locationId": "YBZA",
- "locationContactAndAddress": {
- "contactAncillaryDetail": {
- "emailAddresses": [
- {
- "emailNotificationFormatType": "EMAIL",
- "address": "address",
- "permissions": {
- {
- "emailNotificationFormatType": "TEXT",
- "address": "address",
- "permissions": {
- "prefix": "prefix",
- "phoneNumberDetails": [
- {
- "number": {
- "areaCode": "areaCode",
- "extension": "extension",
- "countryCode": "countryCode",
- "personalIdentificationNumber": "personalIdentificationNumber",
- "localNumber": "localNumber"
- "permissions": {
- "usage": "PRIMARY",
- "type": "FAX"
- {
- "number": {
- "areaCode": "areaCode",
- "extension": "extension",
- "countryCode": "countryCode",
- "personalIdentificationNumber": "personalIdentificationNumber",
- "localNumber": "localNumber"
- "permissions": {
- "usage": "PRIMARY",
- "type": "FAX"
- "companyName": {
- "division": "division",
- "companyCd": "companyCd",
- "name": "name",
- "department": "department",
- "storeId": "storeId"
- "title": "title"
- "address": {
- "streetLines": [
- "10 FedEx Parkway",
- "Suite 302"
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
- "postalCode": "38127",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "residential": false
- "contact": {
- "personName": "person name",
- "emailAddress": "email address",
- "phoneNumber": "phone number",
- "phoneExtension": "phone extension",
- "companyName": "company name",
- "faxNumber": "fax number"
- "addressAncillaryDetail": {
- "locationInCity": "location in the city",
- "suite": "suite",
- "locationInProperty": "location in the property",
- "addtionalDescriptions": "addtional descriptions",
- "department": "department",
- "roomFloor": "room or floor",
- "crossStreet": "cross street",
- "building": "building",
- "apartment": "apartment",
- "room": "room",
- "addressVerificationOverrideReason": "CUSTOMER_PROVIDED_PROOF"
- "locationType": "FEDEX_ONSITE"
- "codDetail": {
- "codCollectionType": "CASH",
- "codCollectionAmount": {
- "amount": 100.5,
- "currency": "USD"
- "shipmentDryIceDetail": {
- "totalWeight": {
- "units": "LB",
- "value": 10
- "packageCount": 12
- "freightDirectDetail": {
- "freightDirectDataDetails": [
- {
- "type": "STANDARD",
- "transportationType": "DELIVERY",
- "eMailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumberDetails": [
- {
- "phoneNumberType": "MOBILE",
- "phoneNumber": "XXXXXXXXX12"
- "shippingDocumentSpecification": "shippingDocumentSpecification"
- "accountNumber": {
- "value": "123456789"
- "carrierCodes": [
- "FDXG",
- "FDXE"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 500
- 503
- "transactionId": "624deea6-b709-470c-8c39-4b5511281492",
- "customerTransactionId": "AnyCo_order123456789",
- "output": {
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "code",
- "alertType": "NOTE",
- "message": "alert message"
- "serviceOptionsList": [
- {
- "serviceType": "INTERNATIONAL_FIRST",
- "issEnabled": true,
- "signatureOptionsList": [
- {
- "displayText": "Indirect Signature",
- "code:": "INDIRECT"
- "packageSpecialServicesList": [
- {
- "displayText": "DANGEROUS_GOODS",
- "subType": "ACCESSIBLE",
- "specialServiceType": "DANGEROUS_GOODS",
- "customerIntegrationMode": "CUSTOM",
- "value": 10
- {
- "displayText": "BATTERY",
- "specialServiceType": "BATTERY",
- "subType": "ACCESSIBLE",
- "customerIntegrationMode": "CUSTOM",
- "value": 10
- {
- "displayText": "NON_STANDARD_CONTAINER",
- "specialServiceType": "NON_STANDARD_CONTAINER",
- "subType": "ACCESSIBLE",
- "customerIntegrationMode": "STANDARD",
- "value": 10
- {
- "displayText": "DRY_ICE",
- "specialServiceType": "DRY_ICE",
- "subType": "ACCESSIBLE",
- "customerIntegrationMode": "CUSTOM",
- "value": 10
- {
- "displayText": "DANGEROUS_GOODS",
- "subType": "INACCESSIBLE",
- "specialServiceType": "DANGEROUS_GOODS",
- "customerIntegrationMode"": "CUSTOM",
- "value": 10
- "returnShipmentList": [
- "carrierCode": "FDXE",
- "batteryOptionList": [
- {
- "batteryMaterialType": "LITHIUM_METAL",
- "batteryPackingType": "CONTAINED_IN_EQUIPMENT",
- "batteryRegulatoryType": "IATA_SECTION_II"
- {
- "batteryMaterialType": "LITHIUM_METAL",
- "batteryPackingType": "PACKED_WITH_EQUIPMENT",
- "batteryRegulatoryType": "IATA_SECTION_II"
- {
- "batteryMaterialType": "LITHIUM_ION",
- "batteryPackingType": "CONTAINED_IN_EQUIPMENT",
- "batteryRegulatoryType": "IATA_SECTION_II"
- {
- "batteryMaterialType": "LITHIUM_ION",
- "batteryPackingType": "PACKED_WITH_EQUIPMENT",
- "batteryRegulatoryType": "IATA_SECTION_II"
- "alertList": [
- {
- "displayText": "FedEx Ground",
- "key": "FEDEX_GROUND"
- "shipmentSpecialServicesList": [
- {
- "value": "Returns Clearance",
- "specialServiceType": "RETURNS_CLEARANCE",
- "customerIntegrationMode": "CUSTOM",
- "astraDescription": "RC",
- "subType": "ACCESSIBLE",
- "ltlPaymentTerms": [
- {
- "value": "Broker Select Option",
- "specialServiceType": "BROKER_SELECT_OPTION",
- "customerIntegrationMode": "CUSTOM",
- "astraDescription": "BSO",
- "subType": "ACCESSIBLE",
- "ltlPaymentTerms": [
- {
- "value": "International Mail Service",
- "specialServiceType": "INTERNATIONAL_MAIL_SERVICE",
- "customerIntegrationMode": "CUSTOM",
- "astraDescription": "IMS",
- "subType": "ACCESSIBLE",
- "ltlPaymentTerms": [
- "alerts": [
- {
- "code": "code",
- "alertType": "NOTE",
- "message": "alert message"