OCTOBER 16, 2023
FedEx API | FedEx Developer Portal Release Notes
We are pleased to announce our most recent enhancements to FedEx APIs and the FedEx Developer Portal. This release offers new FedEx API features and updates to enhance your shipping experience.
List of enhancements included are:
FedEx Express Domestic Services for EU region
FedEx offers new domestic services for customers in EU region with a broader portfolio of time-definite domestic parcel and freight services. Your new services will replace the current FedEx® Priority Overnight service and will give you more flexibility, convenience, and control. This is as we harmonize our domestic portfolio with our international services. You can soon choose between: FedEx First, FedEx Priority Express, FedEx Priority, FedEx Priority Express Freight, FedEx Priority Freight. These new services will initially be available in Spain and Luxembourg, other countries will follow.

FedEx Developer Portal Enhancements
- The project overview screen has been updated to allow self-identification of Track API projects and all other API projects.
- Prepare to accelerate the deployment of your API projects to market with our virtualized environments. These environments offer an immediate and reliable testing experience for all APIs. Please refer to the API Sandbox Virtualization Customer Education guide on the FedEx Developer Portal.

- Every day, thousands of customer applications/solutions make requests to FedEx to perform Rating, Shipping, Tracking, and other business specific operations via FedEx APIs. FedEx is introducing transaction quotas and rate limits to help manage these requests to ensure an equitable distribution of system resources and prevent abuse, overloading, and unauthorized access. For more details, please refer the updated Quotas & Rate Limits Guide on the FedEx Developer Portal.

Additional Information:
- For any technical details, please go to the API Catalog.
- For additional information on how to use FedEx APIs, please go to API Guides.
- For technical assistance, please click on Select your Location and Language > select your language > go to Menu and select Support.