Introduction to Webhook
Webhook is a software architecture method to automate push notifications that occur between sender and receiver applications whenever a new event happens.
Webhook is described as a user-defined HTTPS callbacks (typically POST request) triggered by change in status of a specific event. It sends near real-time automated notifications (messages/information/data) from sender (server-side) application to receiver (client-side) application based on the "Event Reaction" concept (i.e., don’t contact me, I will only contact you if I have something new for you).
API vs Webhook Workflow
Below pictorial representation describes how the event data is received in case of API request and with the Webhook.

FedEx Shipment Visibility
Webhook Overview
FedEx customers can subscribe to account number to receive near real time in-transit shipment events, from label creation to delivery of packages, including Picture Proof of Delivery.
Note: The Subscription type, Creating Shipment Visibility Webhook by Tracking Number is an upcoming feature. Any reference to this feature implies that it will be available in the near future .
Subscription Types
FedEx customers can subscribe to webhook by the following options:
- By Account Number- Subscribe to FedEx Account Number to receive updates for shipments matched to the account.
- By Tracking Number- Subscribe to FedEx Account Number to receive updates for shipments matched to the specified tracking numbers through API endpoints.
Note: Subscriptions currently require U.S. based FedEx 9-digit account for billing, and customers are charged a monthly fee based on the count of Tracking Numbers. To know more about the pricing of the Webhooks refer to the Shipment Visibility Overview Pricing Guide.
Below table gives you the information about the features of account number and tracking number based webhook
Features | Account Number based Webhook | Tracking Number based Webhook |
Response | Secured data = Personally identifiable information (PII) data Shipper and Recipient data SPOD CDOs/response | Anonymous data/response |
Association | Association one account number =Implies Associating all linked tracking numbers at once | Association of tracking numbers individually |
Ownership | Account numbers need to be owned by user themselves | Tracking numbers need not be owned by the user |
Filtering | Ability to filter events by inbound, outbound and third-party shipments |
Cannot filter events |
Integration | Association of account numbers is through UI | Association of tracking numbers is through API endpoint |
Limitation | Can add upto 100 account numbers | Can add upto 1000 tracking number per request |
Suitable Use Case | 1st party customers- If customer owns the account numbers | 3rd party customers- If customer has tracking numbers belonging to 1st party customers |
Sandbox Console

Test webhook tracking event details delivered successfully

Test webhook tracking event details delivery failed
Customer Benefits:
- Improve recipient confidence with proactive notifications for in-transit changes to Estimated Delivery Date and day of delivery Time Window.
- Reduce customer service costs for WISMO (Where Is My Order) calls as well as delivery disputes by providing FedEx Picture Proof of Delivery.
- Enhance customer experience by providing near real time notifications on shipment status.
- Gain operational efficiencies by receiving real time push update on shipments, instead of polling continuously to check for track updates on every shipment.
Features and Tracking Events
Tracking Events
This feature allows to track the status of shipments proactively notify customers on different updates in the shipment lifecycle. It provides the customers with options to choose the exact stage of the shipment process/events they wish to receive a notification/alert for. The available shipping events are:
- Ship: This option provides notification when the selected shipment event occurs. Example: Label Created, Pickup, etc.
- In transit: This option provides notification for the shipment transit events. Example: In transit, item held at delivery office, etc.
- Delivery: This option provides notification for the shipment delivery events. Example: out for delivery, delivered, etc.
- Exceptions: This option provides notification for the delivery exceptions. Example: clearance delay, etc.
- Convenient delivery options: Select this option to receive notification for some personalized tracking events. Example: hold at location request accepted.
For more information on the available shipment event options, refer to the Status Codes and Statuses for Webhook Tracking Events table.
Proof of Delivery
This feature is used to acknowledge an order has successfully arrived at its intended destination. This includes:
- Picture proof of delivery (PPOD): PPOD allows customers to receive a picture of the exact location of their package once it is delivered to their doorstep.
Webhooks delivers the PPOD images in the JSON payload in a base64 format. The images can then be converted to a JPEG format.
Note:- PPOD is available in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and Ireland.
- PPOD is only available for FedEx Ground, FedEx Express and residential packages/address(es).
- PPOD is available for eligible deliveries when SPOD is not required. PPOD and SPOD are not available together.
- PPOD is available for on-signature required (NSR) deliveries that are not given directly to a customer (e.g. handed directly to a customer during delivery).
- PPOD supports image size from 14000 to 33000 bytes (Applicable for 320 x 240 resolution image).
- Signature proof of delivery (SPOD): SPOD allows customers to receive an image of the recipient’s signature as well as their name delivery date, time and location. The SPOD information will be presented as a byte array instead of an image. The byte array is a base64 encoded string, which should be decoded to get the final signature image in PNG format
- SPOD is not available for Tracking Number based Webhook.
- The SPOD image size will be from 4000 to 6000 bytes (Applicable for 400x95 resolution image).
- The SPOD image size will be from 5000 to 8000 bytes (Applicable for 230x150 resolution image).
- GPS proof of delivery (GPSPOD):
- GPS POD allows customers to receive the geographical coordinates of the delivery location.
Note: GPSPOD is available by default for account number based webhook subscription.
- GPS POD allows customers to receive the geographical coordinates of the delivery location.
To learn more about certain use cases for the SPOD and PPOD with the corresponding tracking events, refer to the SPOD and PPOD use cases
Estimated Delivery Date and Delivery Time Window Events
This feature helps recipients of the shipments plan their schedules by providing a date and/or time range for shipment deliveries. This includes:
- Estimated delivery date (EDD): This option provides an estimated date of delivery of the shipment to the recipient. Example: Nov, 20, 20XX.
- Estimated delivery time window (EDTW): This option provides the recipient with an estimated time window for the shipment delivery on the day of actual delivery. Example: 2pm to 6pm.
- Standard transit: The standard committed window of time by which the package is expected to be delivered.
Note: Standard transit is selected by default for any subscription type.
Event Based Filtering
This feature allows customers to organize their webhook projects based on the billing methods for the shipments. The options are:
- Inbound: select this option for shipments that will be delivered to you and will be paid for, by you as the recipient.
- Outbound: select this option for shipments that will be shipped by you and will be paid for, by you as the sender.
- Third-party: select this option for inbound and outbound shipments that are billed to you as a third-party payer.
Note: Your FedEx account number will be used to bill or pay for the shipments. For third-party payer, you may not be the shipper or recipient, but the charges will be billed to your FedEx account number.
Retry Policy
This feature prevents FedEx from sending tracking event data in the event of a client-side issue. FedEx will hold the data and attempt to resend it within a span of 3 retries within 5 minutes intervals.
If FedEx does not receive a successful response in the defined time span, then FedEx will stop redelivery of that specific event. However, customer can request for missed events over a period of last 7 days through a manual "RETRY" button on the Webhook project Details page.
For more information on retry policies, refer to the Retry/Redelivery mechanism section.
Business Rules and Best Practices
- One shipping account number cannot be used in multiple webhooks.
- The destination URL/endpoint created by the customer must:
- Be of HTTPs host.
- Respond to POST requests and parse JSON payloads.
- Be of HTTPs host.
- Webhook Security: Only HTTPS connections using TLS (SSL) 1.2 or higher protocol versions that is configured with a certificate from a valid certificate authority (CA) is supported. Whitelist the below IP addresses to receive updates from FedEx servers without any interruptions:
Dev/Beta Prod
- Customers may sometimes receive the tracking event updates out of order and must look at the scan event time stamp for the correct order.
- Deleting Account(s) in FedEx Developer Portal:
- User/Customer cannot delete the account(s):
- If it is associated with any active webhook.
- If the account is available or associated with a project, and
- If it is the only account in a project/webhook.
Note: User/Customer needs to remove the account from the project/webhook first and then delete it from the organization.
- If it is associated with any active webhook.
- User/customer can delete the account(s):
- The account must belong to the same organization.
- User/Customer must be an admin to delete accounts from the organization.
- User/Customer cannot delete the account(s):
Common Constraints
- All customer shipments associated with the FedEx 9-digit account numbers of operating companies- FedEx Express®, FedEx Ground® and FedEx Ground® Economy (formerly known as FedEx SmartPost®) are in scope irrespective of destination or origin (inbound, outbound, international, domestic, etc.).
- Webhook only supports 9-digit enterprise/parcel enabled accounts. Enterprise accounts enable the creation of shipments associated with all FedEx operating companies including FedEx Express and FedEx Ground.
- Customers must manage the order of the shipment tracking events received on their end.
- Automated email notifications are sent whenever there is any activity (Saved/Failed/Create/Update/Cancel/Delete) on the subscribed Shipment Visibility Webhooks.
- Translations:
- Tracking payload translations are supported in 41 languages (locales).
Click here to view the list of supported languages. - Currently tracking payload translation is supported in English (United States).
- Email notification translations is available for languages supported by U.S. regions only. (Locale: en-US, es-US)
- Tracking payload translations are supported in 41 languages (locales).
FedEx Developer Portal User roles:
Within the FedEx Developer Portal, you can perform specific functions based on the configured role.
To learn more about FedEx Developer Portal, refer to the Organization Administration Guide.
Test Webhook
You can use the Test Webhook URL feature to test the type of tracking data returned to the Destination URL (receiver/listener server). This helps to validate the URL and data returned prior to creating a Webhook.
Following are the ways to navigate to Test Webhook URL Sandbox Console:
- My Projects (on the left Navigation Panel) -> Webhooks tab -> Test Webhook URL button->in Sandbox Console, click on Try this Webhook
- API Catalog (on the left Navigation Panel) -> search for Webhook/click on WEBHOOK in FILTERS -> Shipment Visibility Webhook card:
- -> Overview -> Documentation button -> in Sandbox Console, click on Try this Webhook.
- -> Docs -> in Sandbox Console, click on Try this Webhook.
Following are the steps to use Test Webhook URL functionality:
- Click on Test Webhook URL button.
- Enter the following Test parameters:
Field Name Description Destination URL
This is the URL to receive the Tracking event data/payload.
- Customer should provide a working and valid destination URL.
- Destination URL provided must be in the standardized syntactical format (secure https URL).
Security Token
Used as shared secret to authenticate and validate Shipment Visibility Webhook response.
- Token value must be between minimum length of 26 characters and maximum of 100 characters.
- At least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and 1 numeric character are required.
- Security Token will be used to create Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) signature for response validation.
Payload language
Select the preferred language for tracking data translation from the drop-down list. Following are the available 6 sample languages:
- English (United States)(Default)
- French (Canada)
- Chinese (China)
- German (Germany)
- Japanese (Japan)
- Spanish (Mexico)
Tracking Type
Select type of response in which tracking data needs to be received.
- Detailed Tracking Response (Response type consists of secured tracking data with entire history of events).
- Event-Specific Tracking Response (Response type consists of secured tracking data with only the most recent event information).
Tracking events
Select one higher-level category to receive email notifications related to shipment events in the package lifecycle. Following are the higher-level categories:
- Ship
- In Transit
- Delivery
- Exceptions
- Proof of Delivery
- Estimated Delivery
Status Event
A tracking event in the packages’ lifecycle. Select one of the tracking events to be received. Following are the available 10 sample status events:
- Shipment information sent to FedEx (Label Created)
- Picked up
- In transit
- Item Held at Delivery Office
- Out for delivery
- Delivered
- Picture Proof of Delivery
- Signature Proof of Delivery (Applicable only for Account Number based webhooks)
- Estimated Delivery Date (EDD)
- Estimated Delivery Time Window (EDTW)
Note: “Status Event” field values will be populated based on the selected "Tracking Event Category”. Refer the following table to learn more about the “Tracking Event Category” and their respective “Status Events”.
Status Event Category Status Event Ship
- Shipment information sent to FedEx (Label Created)
- Picked up
- In transit
- Item held at delivery office
- Out for delivery
- Delivered
Proof of Delivery
- Picture Proof of Delivery
- Signature Proof of Delivery (Applicable only for Account Number based webhooks)
Estimated Delivery
- Estimated Delivery Date (EDD)
- Estimated Delivery Time Window (EDTW)
- Check the FedEx Developer Portal License Agreement (FDPLA) box to Sign/Accept the License Agreement.
- Click the PUSH button to view test results.
Response :
Following are the response parameters in the Sandbox:
- Body – The body contains the response parameters in the Test Webhook URL tab within Sandbox Console.
- Status – This section in Test Results tab provides you the status of the request that is processed.
Sample Success Message:
Test Webhook tracking event details delivered successfully.
If test event delivery fails, the STATUS will be displayed as Error in Test Results tab with respective error code and error message.
Sample Error Message:
Error Code:<<error code>>
Test Webhook tracking event details delivery failed.
Validation Rules:
- Webhook URL must be in Standardized Syntactical format.
- All the required fields for testing a Webhook URL must not be empty.
- For Successful Validation:
- FedEx will send a request with sample event JSON.
- Webhook destination URL should respond with 200 (OK) as HTTP status code to FedEx.
- For Unsuccessful/Failed Validation:
- If FedEx receives any response other than 200 (OK), then the validation of the Webhook destination URL will be considered as failed.
- FedEx will display the error code and error message in Test Results tab
Webhook Validation Process
What is a MAC/HMAC and how is it used in the validation process?
FedEx uses HMAC to validate your URL whenever you are creating, editing, or resuming any Shipment Visibility Webhook project.
A message authentication code (MAC) provides a way to check the integrity of information transmitted over or stored in an unreliable medium, based on a secret key. Typically, MACs are used between two parties that share a secret key to validate information transmitted between the two parties.
A MAC mechanism that is based on cryptographic hash functions is referred to as HMAC. HMAC can be used with any cryptographic hash function, e.g., SHA256, in combination with a secret shared key. HMAC is specified in RFC 2104. FedEx Shipment Visibility Webhook will use HMAC SHA256.
Example (of a pseudocode snippet to illustrate an HMAC SHA256 hashing):
- First, initialize MAC using HmacSHA256 algorithm and the security token as the secret key.
- Then, finalize the MAC operation by hex encoding the request payload sent by FedEx.
- This final hash should match with the value of the header x-fedex-signature in the PUSH sent by FedEx.
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
mac.init(new SecretKeySpec(secureToken.getBytes(), "HmacSHA256"));
return new String(Hex.encode(mac.doFinal(payLoad.getBytes())));
Note: The secret key used is the secure token that you will provide when setting up the webhook or when testing the webhook URL.
Validation Rules:
- Webhook Name should be unique.
- Webhooks Destination URL must be in Standardized Syntactical format.
- All the required fields for creating a Webhook must not be empty.
- At least one available FedEx shipping account number should be associated for creating a Webhook.
- For Successful validation:
- When a Webhook is created successfully, customer will receive a confirmation message.
Sample Confirmation Message: <<Webhook name>> successfully created. Changes may take up to 10 minutes to go into effect.
- When a Webhook is created successfully, customer will receive a confirmation message.
- For Unsuccessful/Failed validation:
- If FedEx receives any response other than 200 (OK) or 202 (Accepted), then the validation of the Webhook destination URL will be considered as failed.
Create and Manage Webhooks
The Shipment Visibility Webhook allows FedEx to push near real-time secured tracking event data to a destination URL for shipments associated with a specific FedEx account number(s).
Create Shipment Visibility Webhook
You can create a Shipment Visibility Webhook project on FedEx Developer Portal and then associate the webhook either to one or more FedEx account numbers or FedEx tracking numbers based on your selected subscription type. Navigate to the top of the page and select the desired webhook subscription type tab: Account Number based or Tracking Number based, to view the steps to create the respective webhook.
Managing Shipment Visibility Webhooks
The management console is available on the FDP for managing the Shipment Visibility Webhooks. The console provides you with the options to edit, and delete the active Webhooks as required.
Following is the way to navigate to MANAGE WEBHOOKS (Webhooks Management Console) page:
- My Projects (on the left Navigation Panel) -> Webhooks tab -> MANAGE WEBHOOKS page
Common Limitations:
- Customer must always provide a secure https destination URL in standardized syntactical format and be validated as a working event receiver.
- FedEx will push Tacking Event data to customer’s destination URL in a standardized JSON format in the selected language (locale).
- Unique Fields that cannot be repeated in multiple Webhooks: Webhook Name, Subscription Id and FedEx shipping account number.
- Any changes (SAVED/CREATED/EDITED/RESUBMIT) made to a Webhook could take up to 10 minutes to get into effect.
- ACTIVE Webhook(s) will stay active indefinitely unless:
- The webhook is CANCELLED.
- If the customer requests aligned Technical Consultant to pause the Webhook(s).
- View details option is available only for ACTIVE webhooks.
- FAILED Webhook(s) will be available in Webhook Management Console for 30 days only.
- If no action (EDIT and RESUBMIT/DELETE) is taken within 30 days, the failed Webhook(s) will get automatically deleted.
- Any saved for later webhooks will be shown as IN-PROGRESS in Webhook Management Console for 90 days only.
- If no actions (continue creating or delete) is taken within 90 days, the in-progress Webhook(s) will get automatically deleted.
Edit Webhook
You can use this option to add, update or remove information/details in field(s) of an existing Webhook.
Follow below steps for Editing a Webhook:
- Select My Projects on the left Navigation Panel.
- Select Webhooks tab.
- Select Individual Webhook listed under My Webhooks.
- Select Edit action from the kebab menu (⋮) on the respective Shipment Visibility Webhook.
- On the Configure Webhook page:
- Check the default billing account number displayed for your organization. If you want to change the billing account number, click on ADD BILLING ACCOUNT TO YOUR ORGANIZATION (if you have a single billing account) or SELECT ANOTHER BILLING ACCOUNT (this option is displayed if you have multiple billing accounts under your organization).
- Select the features you need and click on Next.
Note: To learn more about the features, click on the help icon (?) next to the feature.
- On the Enter Details page, select the field(s) you would like to edit and select Next.
- For account number based webhook subscription, on the Choose shipping accounts page, add or remove the accounts associated with the webhook and select Next.
- On the Confirm details page, check the changes made in the webhook project and select Next to confirm.
The successful request submission will update the Webhook, and it will remain in ACTIVE status.
Validation Rules:
- When the changes are updated successfully, you should receive a confirmation message.
Sample Confirmation Message: <<Webhook name>> is successfully updated. Changes may take up to 10 minutes to go into effect.
- The unsuccessful/failed Validation:
- Validation to the destination URL is considered as failed if, FedEx receives responses other than 200 (OK) or 202 (Accepted).
- Subscription ID associated with an existing Shipment Visibility Webhook remains un-changed when a customer edits/updates the Webhook(s).
- It will take 10 minutes for the updated changes of an existing Webhook to go into effect.
- If you click on cancel during the edit Webhook workflow, the edit workflow will be aborted, and you will be navigated back to the previous page (Webhook Management Console page).
- When an account is associated to a Shipment Visibility Webhook(s), FedEx will push events happening for new shipments created thereafter for that account.
- When an account is dissociated from a Shipment Visibility Webhook(s), FedEx will push all the already matched or in-flight shipments data and will not push any data for new shipments created thereafter.
View Webhook Details
You can use this option to view details/configurations of an existing Shipment Visibility webhook.
Follow below steps to view a Webhook:
- Select My Projects on the left Navigation Panel.
- Select Webhooks tab.
- Select Individual Webhook listed under My Webhooks.
- Select View Details action from the kebab menu (⋮) on the respective Shipment Visibility Webhook.
Below table represents the view details page for the selected subscription type.
Tab Name | Section Name | Account Number based | Tracking Number based |
Production keys |
Security Details |
Webhooks project details | Billing Details |
Project Details |
Features Selected |
Webhook project history | History Detail |
Project Members | Users | This shows all the project members who have access/have been added to the webhook project. | This shows all the project members who have access/have been added to the webhook project. |
Role | This shows the users corresponding project roles. | This shows the users corresponding project roles. | |
Action | This provides an option for the admins to remove users with contributor or viewer roles from the project. | This provides an option for the admins to remove users with contributor or viewer roles from the project. |
Delete Webhook
If a saved or failed Webhook is no longer needed, use this option to delete it.
Follow below steps for Deleting a Webhook:
- Select My Projects on the left Navigation Panel.
- Select Webhooks tab.
- Select Individual Webhook listed under My Webhooks.
- Select Delete action from the kebab menu (⋮) on the respective Webhook.
- You can delete the Webhook in the Edit screen using DELETE button.
- When a Webhook is deleted successfully, you will receive a confirmation message.
Sample Confirmation Message: <<Webhook Name>> is successfully deleted.
- When a Webhook is not deleted successfully, you will receive an error message.
Sample Error Message: We are unable to process your request at the moment. Please try again later.
Error Code: <<error code>>
- Deleted Webhook(s) cannot be recovered.
- When a customer deletes an active Webhook then FedEx will not push the already matched or in-flight shipments event data, or any new shipments event data created thereafter.
Cancel Webhook
If an active or paused Webhook is no longer needed, use this option to cancel it.
Follow below steps for cancelling a Webhook:
- Select My Projects on the left Navigation Panel.
- Select Webhooks tab.
- Select Individual Webhook listed under My Webhooks.
- Select CANCEL action from the kebab menu (⋮) on the respective Webhook.
- You can cancel the Webhook in the Edit screen using CANCEL button.
- When a Webhook is cancelled successfully, you will receive a confirmation message.
Sample Confirmation Message: <<Webhook Name>> is successfully cancelled.
- When a Webhook is not cancelled successfully, you will receive an error message.
Sample Error Message: We are unable to process your request at the moment. Please try again later.
Error Code: <<error code>>
- Cancelled Webhook(s) cannot be recovered. The cancelled webhook will still be visible in the webhook management page for 90 days. You can only view the details of a cancelled webhook. After 90 days, the webhook will be automatically deleted.
- When a customer cancels an active Webhook then FedEx will not push the already matched or in-flight shipments event data, or any new shipments event data created thereafter.
Searching Webhook
You can search Webhooks based on Webhook Name, Destination URL, Subscription ID and Account Number.
Sorting Webhook
You can sort the Webhooks in ascending or descending order based on Webhook Name, Last Modified (date) and Status columns for better visibility.
Filtering Webhook
- You can filter webhooks based on the single status (Active/Processing/Failed) or multiple statuses selection of the webhook.
- You can clear the filter selection by clicking on "CLEAR ALL" button.
Processing Webhook
- When a webhook create or edit request(s) takes more than 6 seconds then the status will be set to "PROCESSING".
- ·Webhook(s) in "PROCESSING" status are in disabled state. In this state you cannot perform any action.
- ·When a webhook status is set to "PROCESSING", the following message is displayed: "Your request for [Webhook project name] is still in progress, check back to see when it is complete."
Failed Webhook
- When a webhook create request(s) in “PROCESSING” status fails to create then the status will be set to "FAILED".
- When a webhook(s) is in "FAILED" status, you can perform only below two actions:
- Edit and Resubmit
Using this action, you can edit & submit the failed subscription (either you can submit the request as it is or can edit the details and submit the request again). - Delete
Using this action, you can delete the existing failed webhook.
- Edit and Resubmit
- FAILED Webhook(s) will be available in Webhook Management Console for 30 days only.
- If no action (EDIT and RESUBMIT/DELETE) is taken within 30 days, the failed Webhook(s) will get automatically deleted.
Disable/Re-Enable a Shipment Visibility Webhook Capability on FDP
- If you want to disable the Shipment Visibility Webhook Capability temporarily or permanently, you can contact your aligned FedEx Technical Consultant and raise a request to disable the Shipment Visibility Webhook capability.
- After having Shipment Visibility Webhook capability disabled, you will not be able to access and view any functionalities and documentation related to Shipment Visibility Webhooks on the FDP.
Within 30 days:
- If you want to enable the Shipment Visibility Webhook Capability within 30 days, you need to contact your aligned Technical Consultant and raise a request to re-enable the Webhook Capability.
- After having Shipment Visibility Webhook capability re-enabled, you will re-gain access to all functionalities and documentation related to Shipment Visibility Webhooks in the FDP.
- By default, all the associated Webhooks under the organization will be in “PAUSED” status. You will need to manually change the status of one by one to “ACTIVE” to start receiving track event updates.
- If no action is taken within 30 days for FAILED, or SAVED shipment visibility webhooks, then the failed or saved webhook(s) will get automatically deleted.
After 30 days:
- If you want to enable the Shipment Visibility Webhook Capability after 30 days, you need to contact your aligned Technical Consultant and raise a request to re-enable the Webhook Capability.
- After having Shipment Visibility Webhook Capability re-enabled, you will re-gain access to all functionalities and documentation related to Shipment Visibility Webhooks in the FDP.
- By default, all the associated Webhooks under the organization are deleted permanently. It’s like Webhook capability is enabled for first-time user, you can go ahead and start creating now.
Monitoring Failures and Retry/Redelivery Mechanism
You will need to monitor the failures on your end internally and notify your aligned Technical Consultant if failures persist.
Retry limitations:
- Retry/Redelivery Mechanism (retry to push event data) occurs only when FedEx does not receive 200 or 202 HTTP status code in response from the destination URL. The retry/redelivery attempts are made over a span of 15 minutes at 5-minute intervals 3 times over 15 minutes (see retry diagram).
- Each time FedEx tries to deliver the event data and receives anything other than 200 or 202, then that transaction will be considered a failure.
- Every event in the case of a failure will be retried 3 times over 15 minutes with 5-minute intervals in between each retry. If all of those retries fail, then the event will be pushed to a missed events queue which you can retrieve from using the retry mechanism on your webhooks project. All failed events that have the following HTTPS series values will be stored for 7 days and can be retrieved by initiating the retry process on your Webhook project:
- 200 - Null
- 400 - ClientID does not match
- 401- Data Works token is not valid
- 500 – Null
Retry/Redelivery logic:
Every event in the case of a failure will be retried 3 times over 15 minutes with 5-minute intervals in between each retry. If after all of those retries fail, then the event will be pushed to a missed events queue which you can retrieve from using the retry mechanism on your webhooks project.

- Retry logic:
- Attempt 1:
Example: Tracking number 823497234824 is 'Delivered', WMT sent 400 response. (Anything other than HTTP status 200/202 is considered failure). In this case, we call attempt 1 as failure.- Attempt 2 - 1min +/ jitter - Retry 1
- Attempt 3 - 2min +/ jitter - Retry 2
- Attempt 4 - 4min +/ jitter - Retry 3
Note: Retry Attempts 2, 3 and 4 are eligible for every failed redelivery attempt.If FedEx receives a successful response like an HTTP status 200 & 202 for any of the retry requests, then FedEx will stop the retry mechanism for a given event.
- Attempt 1:
- Redelivery attempts:
- Redelivery attempt 1: Occurs after 30 mins of attempt 1. If it fails, then 3 retries will be attempted. If retry attempts also fail, then mechanism moves to redelivery attempt 2.
- Redelivery attempt 2: Occurs after 60 mins of attempt 1. If it fails, then 3 retries will be attempted. If retry attempts also fail, then mechanism moves to redelivery attempt 3.
- Redelivery attempt 3: Occurs after 3 hours of attempt 1. If it fails, then 3 retries will be attempted. If retry attempts also fail, then mechanism moves to redelivery attempt 4.
- Redelivery attempt 4: Occurs after 6 hours of attempt 1. If it fails, then 3 retries will be attempted. If retry attempts also fail, then the event is considered as missed event.
- After 4 Redelivery attempts, if FedEx does not receive a successful response, then FedEx will stop redelivery of that specific event.
- Once, the connection is re-established within 6 hours, then FedEx will try to redeliver all the failed events (failed to deliver within retry/redelivery mechanism) again.
Important Points to Note:
- Retry Mechanism (retry to push event data) occurs only when FedEx does not receive 200 or 202 HTTP status code in response from the destination URL.
- Each time FedEx tries to deliver the event data and receives anything other than 200 or 202, then that transaction will be considered a failure.
- FedEx will continue to push new event(s) data if they happen while retrying for the original event.
- FedEx will also push for subsequent events happening thereafter for that Webhook.
Use cases for Signature Proof of Delivery (SPOD) and Picture Proof of Delivery (PPOD)
Tracking Event | SPOD/PPOD | Result | |
Use Case 1 |
Delivery |
Selected |
You will receive two delivery timestamps:
Note :
Use Case 1.1 |
Delivery |
Not Selected |
You will receive only the “Delivery” event timestamp when the package is delivered.
Use Case 2 |
Ship/In-Transit/Exceptions |
Selected |
You will receive only one delivery timestamp for the SPOD/PPOD event, which will contain the delivery timestamp along with the SPOD/PPOD image byte array. If SPOD/PPOD is not selected, then you will not receive any delivery timestamp information. Note :
Use Case 2.1 |
Ship/In-Transit/Exceptions |
Not Selected |
You will not receive any delivery timestamp information. Note: You will not receive webhook notifications for any delivery of packages with and without SPOD/PPOD also. |
Additional Informations:
- To learn more about the production keys (API and secret key), refer to API Authorization documentation page.
- To learn more about how to get started with FedEx APIs, refer the Getting Started guide .
- To learn more about FedEx project roles, refer the Organization Administration Guide.
- To learn more about pricing refer to Shipment Visibility Webhook Overview .
How Shipment Visibility Webhook Works
The Shipment Visibility Webhook allows FedEx to push near real-time secured tracking event data to a destination URL for shipments associated with a specific FedEx account number(s). You can create a Shipment Visibility Webhook project to access this functionality.
Following are the ways to navigate to Shipment visibility Webhook page:
- My Projects (on the left Navigation Panel) -> Webhooks tab -> +CREATE A WEBHOOK PROJECT
- API Catalog (on the left Navigation Panel) -> search for Webhook/click on WEBHOOK in FILTERS -> Shipment Visibility Webhook card:
- ->Overview -> Documentation button -> in Sandbox Console, click on +CREATE A WEBHOOK PROJECT
Following are the steps for creating Shipment visibility Webhook:
- Click on +CREATE A WEBHOOK PROJECT button.
- On the pop-up window, select one of the below options from the dropdown menu to specify the type of company for which you need webhook access.
- Ships with FedEx and needs to integrate FedEx webhooks into their system.
- Sells or provides a software solution that uses FedEx data and is not a certified FedEx Compatible provider.
Note: Currently, the FedEx Shipment Visibility Webhook solution is not available for this option. - Is a certified FedEx Compatible provider.
Note: Currently, the FedEx Shipment Visibility Webhook solution is not available for this option. As a member of the FedEx Compatible program, if you want to access Track API or other FedEx integration solutions, please reach out to your channel manager. If you do not know who your channel manager is, contact your company administrator. - Select your subscription type as Account Number based.
Create an Account Number based Webhook
You can create an Account Number based Webhook to push near real-time secured tracking event data to the destination URL for shipments associated with one/multiple FedEx account number(s).
Creation of a Account Number based Webhook is a four-step process:
- Step 1: Configure Project
- Step 2: Enter Project Details
- Step 3: Choose Shipping Accounts
- Step 4: Confirm Details and Accept Terms
Following are the steps for creating an Account Number based Webhook:
- On the Configure Webhook page:
- a. Check the default billing account number displayed for your organization. If you want to change the billing account number, click on ADD BILLING ACCOUNT TO YOUR ORGANIZATION (if you have a single billing account) or SELECT ANOTHER BILLING ACCOUNT (this option is displayed if you have multiple billing accounts under your organization).
Note:- A U.S. based billing account number is required to pay for webhook subscriptions.
- To check the pricing related information for the webhook projects, refer to the Shipment Visibility webhook overview page.
- Select the features you need and click on Next.
Note: To know more about the features, click on the help icon (?) next to the feature.
Field Name Description Proof of delivery
This feature is used to acknowledge an order has successfully arrived at its intended destination. This includes:
- Picture proof of delivery (PPOD): PPOD allows customers to receive a photo showing the exact location of their package once it is delivered to their doorstep.
- Signature proof of delivery (SPOD): SPOD allows customers to receive an image of the recipient’s signature as well as their name delivery date, time and location.
Estimated delivery
This feature helps recipients plan their schedules by providing a date and/or time range for shipment deliveries. This includes:
- Estimated delivery date (EDD)
- Estimated delivery time window (EDTW)
Tracking Events
Select one event category to receive email notifications when tracking events occur. Following are the tracking events:
- Ship
- In-Transit
- Delivery
- Exceptions
- Custom delivery options
Event-based filtering
Includes inbound, outbound, or third-party shipments in your webhook response.
- a. Check the default billing account number displayed for your organization. If you want to change the billing account number, click on ADD BILLING ACCOUNT TO YOUR ORGANIZATION (if you have a single billing account) or SELECT ANOTHER BILLING ACCOUNT (this option is displayed if you have multiple billing accounts under your organization).
- On the Enter Details page, enter the following fields:
Field Name Description Webhook Project Name
This is non-empty, unique Webhook project name and should not be repeated in any other Webhooks.
- The Webhook project name is auto populated with a suggested name which can be edited as required.
Destination URL
This is the URL to receive the Tracking event data/payload.
- Customer should provide a working and valid destination URL.
- Destination URL provided must be in the standardized syntactical format (secure https URL, don’t include or its sub domains in the URL).
- Customer can repeat destination URL in multiple Webhooks.
To learn more about destination URL and webhook security, refer to the Business rules and best practices section.
Security Token
Used as shared secret to authenticate and validate Shipment Visibility Webhook response.
- Token value must be between minimum length of 26 characters and maximum of 100 characters.
- At least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and 1 numeric character are required.
- Customer can repeat the security token in multiple Webhooks.
- Security Token will be used to create Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) signature for response validation.
Payload Language (Country)
Select the preferred language for tracking data translation from the drop-down list.
Tracking Type
Select the type of response in which tracking data needs to be received.
- Detailed Tracking: This tracking type consists of secured tracking data with entire history of events.
- Event-Specific Tracking: This tracking type consists of secured tracking data with only the most recent event information.
Email address
Provide one Email address.
Email language (country)
Select preferred Language for receiving email notifications.
Note: Email notification translations is available for languages supported by U.S. regions only. (Locale: en-US, es-US)Version
This field shows the version of the webhook being used. The format of version field is “MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH”.
Example: 2.0.0, where:- MAJOR version increment indicates incompatible API changes.
- MINOR version increment indicates addition of functionality in a backwards-compatible manner.
- PATCH version increment indicates backwards-compatible bug fixes.
- On the Choose Shipping Accounts page, select the accounts you would like to associate with the webhook project.
Note:- Only the accounts that are not associated with any other webhooks will be displayed in the list.
- You need to associate minimum one account to the project to proceed to the next step.
- A maximum of 100 accounts can be associated with a single webhook project using the webhook UI. You can add more accounts using the webhooks API. To get access to webhook API, contact FedEx customer support or help desk.
- On the Confirm details page, check the details of the webhook project, check and accept the terms and conditions, and select Create to create the webhook project.
The successful request submission will create a new Shipment Visibility Webhook with a system generated Subscription ID and will have an Active status.
Validation rules:
- Webhook Name should be unique.
- Webhooks Destination URL must be in Standardized Syntactical format.
- All the required fields for creating a Webhook must not be empty.
- At least one available FedEx shipping account number should be associated for creating a Webhook.
- For Successful validation:
- When a Webhook is created successfully, customer will receive a confirmation message.
Sample Confirmation Message: <<Webhook name>> successfully created. Changes may take up to 10 minutes to go into effect.
- When a Webhook is created successfully, customer will receive a confirmation message.
- For Unsuccessful/Failed validation:
- If FedEx receives any response other than 200 (OK) or 202 (Accepted), then the validation of the Webhook destination URL will be considered as failed.
How Shipment Visibility Webhook Works
The Shipment Visibility Webhook allows FedEx to push near real-time secured tracking event data to a destination URL for shipments associated with a specific FedEx account number(s). You can create a Shipment Visibility Webhook project to access this functionality.
Following are the ways to navigate Shipment Visibility Webhook page:
- My Projects (on the left Navigation Panel) -> Webhooks tab -> +CREATE A WEBHOOK PROJECT
- API Catalog (on the left Navigation Panel) -> search for Shipment Visibility Webhooks/click on WEBHOOK in FILTERS -> Shipment Visibility Webhook card:
- -> Overview -> Documentation button -> +CREATE A WEBHOOK PROJECT
Following are the steps for creating Shipment visibility Webhook:
- Click on +CREATE A WEBHOOK PROJECT button.
- On the pop-up window, select one of the below options from the dropdown menu to specify the type of company for which you need webhook access.
- Ships with FedEx and needs to integrate FedEx webhooks into their system.
- Sells or provides a software solution that uses FedEx data and is not a certified FedEx Compatible provider.
Note: Currently, the FedEx Shipment Visibility Webhook solution is not available for this option. - Is a certified FedEx Compatible provider.
Note: Currently, the FedEx Shipment Visibility Webhook solution is not available for this option. As a member of the FedEx Compatible program, if you want to access Track API or other FedEx integration solutions, please reach out to your channel manager. If you do not know who your channel manager is, contact your company administrator. - Select your subscription type as Tracking Number based.
Create a Tracking Number based Webhook
You can create a tracking number based webhook to push near real-time secured tracking event data to the destination URL for shipments associated with one/multiple FedEx tracking number(s).
Creation of a Tracking Number based Webhook is a four-step process:
- Step 1: Configure Project
- Step 2: Enter Project Details
- Step 3: Confirm Details and Accept Terms
- Step 4: Adding Tracking Numbers
- On the Configure Webhook page:
- Check the default billing account number displayed for your organization. If you want to change the billing account number, click on ADD BILLING ACCOUNT TO YOUR ORGANIZATION (if you have a single billing account) or SELECT ANOTHER BILLING ACCOUNT (this option is displayed if you have multiple billing accounts under your organization).
- Select the features you need and click on Next.
- Picture proof of delivery (PPOD): PPOD allows customers to receive a photo showing the exact location of their package once it is delivered to their doorstep.
- Estimated delivery date (EDD)
- Estimated delivery time window (EDTW)
- Ship
- In-Transit
- Delivery
- Exceptions
- Custom delivery options
- On the Enter Details page, enter the following fields:
Field Name Description Webhook Project Name
This is non-empty, unique Webhook project name and should not be repeated in any other Webhooks.
- The Webhook project name is auto populated with a suggested name which can be edited as required.
Destination URL
This is the URL to receive the Tracking event data/payload.
- Customer should provide a working and valid destination URL.
- Destination URL provided must be in the standardized syntactical format (secure https URL, don’t include or its sub domains in the URL).
- Customer can repeat destination URL in multiple Webhooks.
To learn more about destination URL and webhook security, refer to the business rules and best practices section.
Security Token
Used as shared secret to authenticate and validate Shipment Visibility Webhook response.
- Token value must be between minimum length of 26 characters and maximum of 100 characters.
- At least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and 1 numeric character are required.
- Customer can repeat the security token in multiple Webhooks.
- Security Token will be used to create Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) signature for response validation.
Payload Language (Country)
Select the preferred language for tracking data translation from the drop-down list.
Tracking Type
Select the type of response in which tracking data needs to be received.
- Detailed Tracking: This tracking type consists of secured tracking data with entire history of events.
- Event-Specific Tracking: This tracking type consists of secured tracking data with only the most recent event information.
Email address
Provide one Email address.
Email language (country)
Select preferred Language for receiving email notifications.
Note: Email notification translations is available for languages supported by U.S. regions only. (Locale: en-US, es-US)Version
This field shows the version of the webhook being used. The format of version field is “MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH”.
Example: 2.0.0, where:- MAJOR version increment indicates incompatible API changes.
- MINOR version increment indicates addition of functionality in a backwards-compatible manner.
- PATCH version increment indicates backwards-compatible bug fixes.
- On the Confirm details page, check the details of the webhook project, check and accept the terms and conditions, and select Create to create the webhook project.
- After the successful request submission, FedEx will create a new Webhook project is created and you will give get access to production keys for “Tracking Number Subscription API”. You can use this API to associate Tracking Numbers to your project. To learn more, refer the Tracking Number Subscription API documentation page.
Note: To check the pricing related information for the webhook projects, refer to the Shipment Visibility webhook overview page.
Note: To know more about the features, click on the help icon (?) next to the feature.
Field Name Description Proof of delivery
This feature is used to acknowledge an order has successfully arrived at its intended destination. This includes:
Estimated delivery
This feature helps recipients plan their schedules by providing a date and/or time range for shipment deliveries. This includes:
Tracking Events
Select one event category to receive email notifications when tracking events occur. Following are the tracking events:
Validation rules:
- Webhook Name should be unique.
- Webhooks Destination URL must be in Standardized Syntactical format.
- All the required fields for creating a Webhook must not be empty.
- At least one available FedEx shipping account number should be associated for creating a Webhook.
- For Successful validation:
- When a Webhook is created successfully, customer will receive a confirmation message.
Sample Confirmation Message: <<Webhook name>> successfully created. Changes may take up to 10 minutes to go into effect.
- When a Webhook is created successfully, customer will receive a confirmation message.
- For Unsuccessful/Failed validation:
- If FedEx receives any response other than 200 (OK) or 202 (Accepted), then the validation of the Webhook destination URL will be considered as failed.