FedEx Developer Portal will experience interruption from 08/17/2024, 09:00 PM CT - 11:59 PM CT. 

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Why you should migrate

FedEx Web Services has been an ideal choice for you to integrate your business processes and systems to FedEx capabilities. It has been designed to help you streamline your business operations and be more efficient.

In recent times, more and more developers in the industry are preferring REST APIs since they offer more flexibility and performance. As part of our digital transformation strategy, FedEx has built modernized REST APIs that will further improve your integration to FedEx capabilities. Along with the new APIs, FedEx will also offer an improved, self-service developer portal to provide a frictionless API integration experience.

Benefits of migrating from FedEx Web Services to FedEx APIs:

  • REST coupled with JSON is generally considered easier for developers to work with and offers better support for browser clients and mobile apps.
  • REST protocol is generally faster and uses less bandwidth as it is not as verbose as SOAP.
  • REST is stateless in design, which can be leveraged to improve application performance through caching and scalability by deploying to multiple servers without dependencies.
  • REST APIs offer better versioning management that ease customer upgrades, as opposed to continuous major versions with SOAP-based WSDLs.
  • FedEx APIs will have improved security through OAuth token-based authentication.

In addition to the many benefits of REST APIs, the new developer portal is designed to provide features, tools and information to ease the integration experience. Here are a few improved key features:

  • Improved onboarding experience to get your API integration completed more quickly and efficiently
  • Simplified and up-to-date API documentation including business rules, schema details, element level descriptions, validation rules, best practices and samples in multiple programming languages for specific use cases
  • API-specific regression testing guidance, tools, processes and best practices
  • Ability to visually see within your projects if APIs are certified and enabled
  • Multiple languages supported for you to learn about APIs and begin to integrate them into your business processes and systems
  • Up-to-date FAQ page and a support page with contact information displayed based from where in the world you’re viewing the site from